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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, H, I, K, N and T

ANTISHAKEantishake adj. Acting to prevent shaking.
ANTISHAKE adj. denoting a technology that reduces the blurring caused by movement of the person taking a photograph.
ANTISHAKE n. a system that uses antishake technology.
ANTISHARKantishark adj. Preventing attacks by sharks.
ANTISHARK adj. designed to keep away sharks.
ANTISHOCKantishock adj. That counteracts or reduces shock, or its effects.
antishock n. (Countable) A shock wave that gains energy when fluid flows through the shock front.
antishock n. (Uncountable) A cushioning system for counteracting shock.
BETHANKITBETHANKIT n. (Scots) a grace, elliptical for God be thanked.
HANDKNITShandknits n. Plural of handknit.
handknits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of handknit.
HANDKNIT n. a garment knitted by hand.
HEARTIKINheartikin n. (Obsolete, diminutive) A little heart.
HEARTIKIN n. (obsolete) a little heart (used euphemistically in an oath).
HEARTSINKheartsink n. (Informal, derogatory) A heartsink patient.
HEARTSINK n. a patient who repeatedly visits his or her doctor's surgery, often with multiple or nonspecific symptoms, and whose complaints are impossible to treat.
KATCHINASkatchinas n. Plural of katchina.
KATCHINA n. (Native American) a doll representing rain-bringing Hopi ancestors, also KACHINA, KATCINA, KATSINA.
KNIGHTAGEknightage n. Knighthood; state of being a knight.
knightage n. Knights collectively.
KNIGHTAGE n. the body of knights, taken collectively.
NIGHTHAWKnighthawk n. (UK, regional) A nightjar, especially Caprimulgus europaeus (Eurasian nightjar).
nighthawk n. (US) A New World nightjar of the genus Chordeiles, especially Chordeiles minor.
nighthawk n. A person whose preference or custom is to remain awake and active during the night and the early morning hours.
PHENAKITEphenakite n. (Mineralogy) A trigonal-rhombohedral mineral containing beryllium, oxygen, and silicon.
PHENAKITE n. a mineral, beryllium silicate, sometimes deceptively like quartz, also PHENACITE.
PICKTHANKpickthank n. A sycophant, a yes-man; one who meddles, tattles, informs (often in order to curry favour).
pickthank adj. Of or relating to pickthanks.
PICKTHANK n. someone who seeks to ingratiate himself or herself by officious favours, or by talebearing.
RANKSHIFTrankshift v. (Linguistics) To use a phrase as a subunit of a longer one.
rankshift n. The action of rankshifting.
RANKSHIFT v. to shift or be shifted from one linguistic rank to another.
SKAITHINGSKAITH v. (Old Norse) (obsolete) to injure, also SCAITH, SCATH, SCATHE.
TANKSHIPStankships n. Plural of tankship.
TANKSHIP n. a tanker.
THANKINGSthankings n. Plural of thanking.
THANKING n. the act of thanking.
THINKABLEthinkable adj. Able to be thought or imagined; conceivable.
thinkable adj. (Rare) Morally acceptable or legal.
THINKABLE adj. capable of being thought.
THINKABLYthinkably adv. (Philosophy) Such that it can be thought.
THINKABLE adv. capable of being thought.
THWACKINGthwacking v. Present participle of thwack.
thwacking n. The action or sound of a thwack; a beating.
THWACKING n. the act of thwacking.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 111 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 45 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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