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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, H, 2I, P and R

DIGRAPHICdigraphic adj. Of or pertaining to a digraph.
DIGRAPHIC adj. of or pertaining to a digraph, two letters expressing a single sound.
GRAPHITICgraphitic adj. Of, relating to, resembling, or having the structure of graphite.
GRAPHITIC adj. pertaining to graphite.
HAIRGRIPShairgrips n. Plural of hairgrip.
hair-grips n. Plural of hair-grip.
hair␣grips n. Plural of hair grip.
HAIRPIECEhairpiece n. A false substitute for a person’s hair; a toupee or wig.
HAIRPIECE n. an artificial extension to the hair.
HIPPIATRYhippiatry n. The branch of veterinary medicine dealing with horses.
HIPPIATRY n. the treatment of diseases of horses.
IDIOGRAPHidiograph n. A mark or signature peculiar to an individual.
IDIOGRAPH n. a private mark, a trademark.
LAIRDSHIPlairdship n. (Scotland) The state or condition of being a laird.
lairdship n. The area of land owned by a laird.
LAIRDSHIP n. the office of a laird.
NEPHRIDIAnephridia n. Plural of nephridium.
NEPHRIDIUM n. in invertebrates and lower chordates, an organ serving the function of a kidney.
PARCHISISPARCHISI n. (Hindi) a game, somewhat resembling backgammon, originating in India, also PACHISI, PARCHEESI, PARCHESI.
PERIHELIAperihelia n. Plural of perihelion.
perihelia n. Plural of perihelium.
PERIHELION n. the point of the orbit of a planet or a comet at which it is nearest to the sun, as opposed to aphelion.
PHARISAICpharisaic adj. Of or pertaining to the Pharisees.
pharisaic adj. (Chiefly Christianity) Emphasizing the observance of ritual or practice over the meaning.
pharisaic adj. Self-righteous.
RHIPIDATErhipidate adj. Fan-shaped.
RHIPIDATE adj. fan-shaped.
RIVALSHIPrivalship n. (Now rare). Rivalry.
rivalship n. (Fandom slang) A ship involving characters with an adversarial relationship.
RIVALSHIP n. rivalry.
SIZARSHIPsizarship n. The position or standing of a sizar.
SIZARSHIP n. the position or standing of a sizar.
THRAIPINGTHRAIPING n. (dialect) a thrashing.
UPAITHRICupaithric adj. Alternative form of hupaithric (“roofless, open to the sky”).
UPAITHRIC adj. roofless; open to the sky (usually intentionally, so as to see the stars), also HUPAITHRIC, HYPAETHRAL, HYPETHRAL.
VAMPIRISHvampirish adj. Pertaining to a vampire, characteristic of a vampire; photophobic, parasitic etc.
VAMPIRISH adj. like a vampire.
VICARSHIPvicarship n. The office or dignity of a vicar.
VICARSHIP n. the office or dignity of a vicar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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