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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, 2H, O, R and S

AUTHORISHauthorish adj. Characteristic of an author.
AUTHORISH adj. like an author.
BROUHAHASbrouhahas n. Plural of brouhaha.
BROUHAHA n. (French) fuss, also BRUHAHA.
CHAROSETHcharoseth n. Alternative spelling of haroseth.
CHAROSETH n. (Hebrew) a condiment of chopped apples, walnuts, and wine, also CHAROSET, HAROSET, HAROSETH.
HAFTORAHShaftorahs n. Plural of haftorah.
HAFTORAH n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARA, HAFTARAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAROSETHSHAROSETH n. (Hebrew) a condiment of chopped apples, walnuts, and wine; recalls mortar made by Hebrew slaves in Egypt, also CHAROSET, CHAROSETH, HAROSET.
HARTSHORNhartshorn n. (Countable) The antler of a hart, once used as a source of ammonia.
hartshorn n. (Dated) An aqueous solution of ammonia; smelling salts.
hartshorn v. (Transitive) To revive with hartshorn smelling salts.
HAWTHORNShawthorns n. Plural of hawthorn.
Hawthorns prop.n. Plural of Hawthorn.
HAWTHORN n. a small tree of the rose family, widely used for hedges.
HERONSHAWheronshaw n. Alternative form of heronsew.
HIGHROADShighroads n. Plural of highroad.
high␣roads n. Plural of high road.
HIGHROAD n. a highway; a much travelled or main road.
HOARHEADShoarheads n. Plural of hoarhead.
HOARHEAD n. a hoary-headed old man.
HORSEHAIRhorsehair n. The hair of a horse, especially from the mane and tail, used for upholstery.
horsehair n. A fabric made from this.
HORSEHAIR n. the hair of a horse used e.g. to stuff sofas.
HORSEHEADhorsehead n. The head of a horse.
horsehead n. A pump for pumping oil from an oil well.
horsehead n. A steel girder supporting the roof of a mine tunnel.
HUARACHOShuarachos n. Plural of huaracho.
HUARACHO n. (Spanish) a flat-heeled sandal, also GUARACHA, GUARACHE, GUARACHI, HUARACHE.
PARASHOTHparashoth n. Plural of parashah.
PARASHAH n. (Hebrew) a passage in Jewish literature.
SCHOLARCHscholarch n. The head of a school of philosophy in Ancient Greece.
SCHOLARCH n. the head of a school.
SHORTHAIRshorthair n. Any of several breeds of domestic cat with relatively short hair, slender body and large head.
SHORTHAIR n. a breed of domestic cat with a short thick coat.
SHORTHANDshorthand n. A rough and rapid method of writing by substituting symbols for letters, words, etc.
shorthand n. (By extension) Any brief or shortened way of saying or doing something.
shorthand v. (Transitive) To render (spoken or written words) into shorthand.
SHORTHEADshort␣head n. (Horse racing) A distance of less than the length of a horse’s head.
SHORTHEAD n. a fish, a species of American redhorse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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