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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, G, 2R, T and U

CORRUGATEcorrugate v. (Of the skin) To wrinkle.
corrugate v. To fold into parallel folds, grooves or ridges.
corrugate adj. (Obsolete) corrugated; wrinkled; crumpled; furrowed.
DRAMATURGdramaturg n. Alternative form of dramaturge.
DRAMATURG n. a dramatist; specifically a reader and literary editor etc. to a permanent theatrical company, also DRAMATURGE, DRAMATURGIST.
DRAUGHTERdraughter n. Alternative spelling of drafter.
DRAUGHTER n. one who makes a draft.
FRAUGHTERfraughter adj. Comparative form of fraught: more fraught.
FRAUGHT adj. laden with tension.
GARNITUREgarniture n. Something that garnishes; a decoration, adornment or embellishment.
GARNITURE n. (French) embellishment, trimming; a set of decorative objects.
GARRULITYgarrulity n. The state or characteristic of being garrulous.
GARRULITY n. talkativeness.
GASTRULARgastrular adj. Of or pertaining to a gastrula.
GASTRULAR adj. of or like a gastrula, an embryo at the stage in which it forms a two-layered cup by the invagination of its wall.
GRADUATORgraduator n. One who determines or indicates graduation.
graduator n. An instrument for dividing any line, straight or curved, into smaller regular intervals.
graduator n. An apparatus for diffusing a solution, such as brine or vinegar, over a large surface, for exposure to the air.
GUARANTORguarantor n. A person or company that provides a guarantee.
GUARANTOR n. one who makes or gives a guarantee.
HEARTHRUGhearthrug n. A rug placed in front of a fireplace, on the hearth.
HEARTHRUG n. a rug spread in front of a hearth.
PURGATORYpurgatory n. (Christianity) Alternative letter-case form of Purgatory.
purgatory n. Any situation where suffering is endured, particularly as part of a process of redemption.
purgatory adj. Tending to cleanse; expiatory.
RAPTURINGrapturing v. Present participle of rapture.
rapturing n. A feeling or expression of rapture; great joy.
RAPTURE v. to fill with great joy.
REGULATORregulator n. A device that controls or limits something.
regulator n. A person or group that sets standards of practice, especially those established by law.
regulator n. A very accurate clock, used by clockmakers to measure the timekeeping of each newly made clock.
STRANGURYstrangury n. (Pathology) A painful, frequent need to urinate, when the bladder is largely empty or with little urine production.
STRANGURY n. severe pain in the urethra with intense desire to pass urine or painful passage of a few drops of urine.
SURROGATEsurrogate n. A substitute (usually of a person, position or role).
surrogate n. A person or animal that acts as a substitute for the social or pastoral role of another, such as a surrogate parent.
surrogate n. (Chiefly Britain) A deputy for a bishop in granting licences for marriage.
TURFGRASSturfgrass n. Any grass used to make turf.
TURFGRASS n. grass grown for lawns.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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