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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, G, N, S, U and Y

AMUSINGLYamusingly adv. In an amusing manner.
AMUSING adv. AMUSE, to entertain.
GUNLAYERSgunlayers n. Plural of gunlayer.
gun-layers n. Plural of gun-layer.
gun␣layers n. Plural of gun layer.
GUNNYBAGSgunnybags n. Plural of gunnybag.
gunny-bags n. Plural of gunny-bag.
GUNNYBAG n. a bag made of gunny, a coarse jute fabric.
GUNNYSACKgunnysack n. Alternative spelling of gunny sack.
gunny␣sack n. A sack made from burlap, used for agricultural produce.
GUNNYSACK n. a sack made of a coarse heavy material, such as burlap.
GYMNASIUMgymnasium n. (Formal) A large room or building for indoor sports.
gymnasium n. A type of secondary school in some European countries which typically prepares students for university.
gymnasium n. (Historical) A public place or building where Ancient Greek youths took exercise, with running and wrestling…
NYSTAGMUSnystagmus n. (Pathology) rapid involuntary eye movement, usually lateral.
NYSTAGMUS n. an involuntary lateral movement of the eyeballs.
OUTSAYINGOUTSAY v. to surpass in saying.
PAUSINGLYpausingly adv. With pauses; haltingly.
PAUSING adv. hesitating.
PYENGADUSPYENGADU n. (Burmese) the ironwood tree, also PYINKADO.
SINGULARYSINGULARY adj. of an operator, monadic.
STRANGURYstrangury n. (Pathology) A painful, frequent need to urinate, when the bladder is largely empty or with little urine production.
STRANGURY n. severe pain in the urethra with intense desire to pass urine or painful passage of a few drops of urine.
SUBAGENCYsubagency n. An agency that is subordinate to, or part of, another.
SUBAGENCY n. a subordinate agency.
SUBWAYINGsubwaying v. Present participle of subway.
SUBWAY v. to travel by an underground railroad.
SYNAGOGUEsynagogue n. A place of worship for Jews or Samaritans.
synagogue n. A congregation of Jews or Samaritans for the purpose of worship or religious study.
SYNAGOGUE n. (Greek) a Jewish church, also SYNAGOG.
SYNANGIUMsynangium n. (Anatomy) The divided part beyond the pylangium in the aortic trunk of the amphibian heart.
synangium n. (Botany) The boat-shaped sorus of certain ferns.
SYNANGIUM n. a cluster of sporangia which have become fused in development.
SYNGAMOUSsyngamous adj. Exhibiting or pertaining to syngamy.
SYNGAMOUS adj. relating to syngamy, free interbreeding.
UNSTAYINGunstaying v. Present participle of unstay.
UNSTAYING adj. not staying.
UPSTAYINGupstaying v. Present participle of upstay.
UPSTAY v. to sustain.
UPSWAYINGupswaying v. Present participle of upsway.
UPSWAY v. to swing up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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