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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, G, 2N, P and U

OPPUGNANToppugnant adj. Opposing, antagonistic, contrary.
oppugnant n. (Obsolete) One who oppugns; an opponent.
OPPUGNANT adj. opposing.
PAUNCHINGpaunching v. Present participle of paunch.
PAUNCH v. to disembowel.
PERGUNNAHpergunnah n. Dated form of pargana.
PERGUNNAH n. (Hindi) a division of an administrative district or zillah in India, also PARGANA.
PRAUNCINGprauncing v. Present participle of praunce.
PRAUNCE v. (Spenser) to prance.
REPUGNANTrepugnant adj. Offensive or repulsive; arousing disgust or aversion.
repugnant adj. (Law) Opposed or in conflict.
REPUGNANT adj. distasteful, odious.
UNCAPPINGuncapping v. Present participle of uncap.
UNCAP v. to remove the cap from.
UNDRAPINGundraping v. Present participle of undrape.
UNDRAPE v. to strip of drapery.
UNHASPINGunhasping v. Present participle of unhasp.
UNHASP v. to unfasten a hasp.
UNPACKINGunpacking n. The act by which something is unpacked.
unpacking n. (Linguistics) The separation of the features of a segment (such as a nasal vowel or palatal consonant)…
unpacking v. Present participle of unpack.
UNPLACINGunplacing v. Present participle of unplace.
UNPLACE v. to displace.
UNPRAYINGunpraying adj. Not praying; who does not pray.
UNPRAY v. to revoke the praying of.
UNSHAPINGunshaping v. Present participle of unshape.
UNSHAPE v. to deprive of shape, undo.
UNSPARINGunsparing adj. Without sparing; liberal; profuse; thorough.
UNSPARING adj. not sparing.
UPHANGINGuphanging v. Present participle of uphang.
UPHANG v. to hang up.
UPLEANINGupleaning v. Present participle of uplean.
UPLEAN v. to rest one's weight.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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