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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, G, 3N and S

ASTUNNINGastunning v. Present participle of astun.
ASTUN v. (obsolete) to astonish.
ENNEAGONSenneagons n. Plural of enneagon.
ENNEAGON n. a polygon with nine angles.
ENSNARINGensnaring v. Present participle of ensnare.
ensnaring adj. That ensnares or traps.
ENSNARE v. to trap, also INSNARE.
GONFANONSgonfanons n. Plural of gonfanon.
GONFANON n. (historical) a small flag or pennant immediately below the head of a knight's lance, also GONFALON.
INSNARINGinsnaring v. Present participle of insnare.
INSNARE v. to trap, also ENSNARE.
JANNYINGSJANNYING n. acting as a disguised merrymaker at Christmas.
MANGANINSmanganins n. Plural of manganin.
MANGANIN n. an alloy of copper, manganese, and nickel.
NANNYGAISnannygais n. Plural of nannygai.
NANNYGAI n. (Native Australian) a large edible marine fish, also NENNIGAI.
NANNYINGSNANNYING n. the act of treating with excessive caution.
NENNIGAISNENNIGAI n. (Native Australian) a large edible marine fish, also NANNYGAI.
NONPAGANSnonpagans n. Plural of nonpagan.
NONPAGAN n. one who is not a pagan.
PLANNINGSplannings n. Plural of planning.
PLANNING n. the establishment of goals or policies.
SCANNINGSscannings n. Plural of scanning.
SCANNING n. close examination.
SINNINGIAsinningia n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Sinningia.
Sinningia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Gesneriaceae – plants of the tropical Americas.
SINNINGIA n. one of a family of Brazilian plants that includes gloxinia.
SWANNINGSSWANNING n. the act of swanning.
WANNIGANSwannigans n. Plural of wannigan.
WANNIGAN n. (Native American) in a lumber camp, a chest for supplies, or the pay office, also WANGAN, WANGUN, WANIGAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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