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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, G, M, S, T and U

AGERATUMSageratums n. Plural of ageratum.
AGERATUM n. a flowering tropical plant.
ARGENTUMSARGENTUM n. (Latin) silver.
ARGUMENTSarguments n. Plural of argument.
arguments v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of argument.
ARGUMENT n. an exchange of differing reasons.
FASTIGIUMfastigium n. An apex or summit; culmination.
fastigium n. (Architecture) A pediment or gable end.
fastigium n. (Pathology) The most intense phase of a disease, especially a fever.
FUMIGANTSfumigants n. Plural of fumigant.
FUMIGANT n. a source of fumes, esp. a substance used for fumigation.
FUMIGATESfumigates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fumigate.
FUMIGATE v. to subject to fumes to kill pests.
GASTRAEUMgastraeum n. (Zoology) The whole undersurface of an animal.
GASTRAEUM n. the undersurface of the body, esp. in birds.
GUMMATOUSgummatous adj. (Medicine) Belonging to, or resembling, gumma.
GUMMATOUS adj. of the nature of or resembling a gumma, a syphilitic sore.
GUNMETALSgunmetals n. Plural of gunmetal.
gun-metals n. Plural of gun-metal (alternative form of gunmetals).
gun␣metals n. Plural of gun metal (alternative form of gunmetals).
HAMSTRUNGhamstrung adj. (Figurative) Restricted as if by being crippled with a hamstring.
hamstrung v. Simple past tense and past participle of hamstring.
HAMSTRING v. to disable by severing the hamstrings.
MANGOUSTEmangouste n. (Archaic) A mongoose.
MANGOUSTE n. (French) a mongoose.
MISTAUGHTmistaught v. Simple past tense and past participle of misteach.
MISTEACH v. to teach wrongly or badly.
NYSTAGMUSnystagmus n. (Pathology) rapid involuntary eye movement, usually lateral.
NYSTAGMUS n. an involuntary lateral movement of the eyeballs.
OUTGLEAMSoutgleams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outgleam.
OUTGLEAM v. to surpass in gleaming.
STUMPAGESstumpages n. Plural of stumpage.
STUMPAGE n. uncut marketable timber.
SUMMATINGsummating v. Present participle of summate.
SUMMATE v. to add together.
TRIGAMOUStrigamous adj. Living in or involving trigamy.
trigamous adj. (Botany) Having three kinds of flowers — male, female, and hermaphrodite — in the same flower head.
TRIGAMOUS adj. of the nature of, involving or living in trigamy.
UMANGITESUMANGITE n. a mineral consisting of copper selenide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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