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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, G, L, O and 2R

ALGARROBAALGARROBA n. (Arabic) the carob, a leguminous tree of the Mediterranean region; its edible beans or pods, also ALGAROBA, ALGARROBO.
ALGARROBOALGARROBO n. (Arabic) the carob, a leguminous tree of the Mediterranean region; its edible beans or pods, also ALGAROBA, ALGARROBA.
GARRULOUSgarrulous adj. Excessively or tiresomely talkative.
garrulous adj. (Of something written or performed) Excessively wordy and rambling.
GARRULOUS adj. talkative.
GROSSULARgrossular adj. Relating to, or resembling, a gooseberry.
grossular n. (Mineralogy) A calcium-aluminium mineral of the garnet group.
GROSSULAR n. a garnet containing calcium and aluminium, occurring in grey, pinkish, or yellow-green crystals and used as a gemstone, also GROSSULARITE.
LOGORRHEAlogorrhea n. (Often humorous) Excessive talkativeness.
logorrhea n. (Often humorous) Excessive use of words in writing; prolixity.
logorrhea n. (Psychology) Excessive and often uncontrollable speaking due to a mental disorder.
OVERLARGEoverlarge adj. Excessively large; too big; oversize.
overlarge adv. (Obsolete) Too extravagantly, overconfidently.
OVERLARGE adj. excessively large.
REGULATORregulator n. A device that controls or limits something.
regulator n. A person or group that sets standards of practice, especially those established by law.
regulator n. A very accurate clock, used by clockmakers to measure the timekeeping of each newly made clock.
RIGMAROLErigmarole n. A long and complicated procedure that seems tiresome or pointless.
rigmarole n. Nonsense; confused and incoherent talk.
rigmarole adj. Prolix; tedious.
ROARINGLYroaringly adv. With, or as if with, a roaring sound.
roaringly adv. With lively success.
ROARING adv. proceeding with very great activity or success.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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