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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, G, L, N and 2P

APPALLINGappalling v. Present participle of appall.
appalling adj. Horrifying and astonishing.
appalling adj. Extremely bad; terrible.
APPEALINGappealing adj. Having appeal; attractive.
appealing v. Present participle of appeal.
appealing n. The act of making an appeal.
CLAPPINGSclappings n. Plural of clapping.
CLAPPING n. the act of clapping.
FLAPPINGSflappings n. Plural of flapping.
FLAPPING n. the act of flapping.
GALOPPINGGALOP v. (French) to dance a galop (a lively round dance).
GRAPPLINGgrappling n. (Gerund of grapple) An act in which something is grappled or grappled with.
grappling n. A grappling hook or grappling iron.
grappling n. A small anchor; a grapnel.
KNAPPLINGKNAPPLE v. to break off with an abrupt, sharp noise.
LAGNAPPESlagnappes n. Plural of lagnappe (alternative form of lagniappes).
LAGNAPPE n. (Spanish) a small gift given a customer by a merchant at the time of purchase, also LAGNIAPPE.
LAGNIAPPElagniappe n. (Chiefly Louisiana, Mississippi, Trinidad and Tobago) An extra or unexpected gift or benefit, such as…
LAGNIAPPE n. (Spanish) a small gift given a customer by a merchant at the time of purchase, also LAGNAPPE.
LAPPERINGlappering v. Present participle of lapper.
LAPPER v. (Scots) to curdle, also LOPPER.
PALPATINGpalpating v. Present participle of palpate.
PALPATE v. to examine by touch.
PROPALINGpropaling v. Present participle of propale.
PROPALE v. (Scots) to disclose.
RAPPELINGrappeling v. Present participle of rappel.
RAPPEL v. (French) to descend from a steep height by means of a rope.
SCAPPLINGscappling v. Present participle of scapple.
SCAPPLE v. to work stone smoothly, without smoothing to a finish, also SCABBLE.
SLAPPINGSslappings n. Plural of slapping.
SLAPPING n. the act of striking with the open hand.
UPLEAPINGupleaping v. Present participle of upleap.
UPLEAP v. to leap up.
YAPPINGLYyappingly adv. With yapping sounds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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