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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, G, 2L, S and T

ALLERGISTallergist n. A doctor who specializes in the treatment of allergies.
ALLERGIST n. a doctor specialising in conditions caused by allergies.
ALLIGATESalligates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of alligate.
ALLIGATE v. to unite by some tie.
COLLAGISTcollagist adj. In the manner of a collage, or of the making of a collage.
collagist n. One who makes collages, or who has made a specific collage.
COLLAGIST n. one who makes collages.
FLATLINGSflatlings adv. (Scotland) Alternative form of flatling.
FLATLINGS adv. (Spenser) with a flat side or edge, also FLATLING, FLATLONG.
GALLERISTgallerist n. The owner or operator of an art gallery.
GALLERIST n. a person who owns or runs an art gallery.
GALLIPOTSgallipots n. Plural of gallipot.
GALLIPOT n. a small glazed earthenware jar used by druggists, also GALIPOT.
GALLIVATSgallivats n. Plural of gallivat.
GALLIVAT n. (Portuguese) a large two-masted Malay boat.
GALLSTONEgallstone n. (Biology, medicine) A small, hard object, in the shape of a pebble, that sometimes forms in the gallbladder…
gall␣stone n. Alternative form of gallstone.
GALLSTONE n. a concretion, or calculus, formed in the gall bladder or biliary passages.
GLADLIESTgladliest adv. Superlative form of gladly: most gladly.
GLADLY adv. in a glad manner.
GLOBALISTglobalist adj. Of or pertaining to globalism.
globalist n. An advocate of globalism.
globalist n. (Historiography) One who believes that Adolf Hitler intended to extend the Third Reich beyond the continent of Europe.
LASTINGLYlastingly adv. In a lasting manner, in a way that persists.
LASTING adv. remaining effective for a long period of time.
LEGALISTSlegalists n. Plural of legalist.
LEGALIST n. someone inclined to legalism.
LEGISLATElegislate v. To pass laws (including the amending or repeal of existing laws).
LEGISLATE v. to make laws; to pass law in the form of an Act of Parliament or by delegated legislation.
LEKGOTLASlekgotlas n. Plural of lekgotla.
LEKGOTLA n. (Bantu) an assembly of tribal elders in Botswana, also KGOTLA.
SIGILLATEsigillate adj. Decorated with impressed patterns.
sigillate adj. (Botany) Marked with seal-like scars.
SIGILLATE adj. sealed; with seallike impressions.
STALLAGESstallages n. Plural of stallage.
STALLAGE n. rent paid for a market stall.
STALLINGSstallings n. Plural of stalling.
Stallings prop.n. A surname.
STALLING n. the act of stalling.
STILLAGESstillages n. Plural of stillage.
STILLAGE n. a cask stand, also STILLING, STILLION.
TALLGRASStallgrass n. (US) Any of various tall grasses that flourish in prairie with relatively abundant water.
TALLGRASS n. long grass in a North American prairie.
TOLLGATEStollgates n. Plural of tollgate.
TOLLGATE v. to block a business deal pending the payment of a bribe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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