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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, G, I, O, S and V

ABSOLVINGabsolving v. Present participle of absolve.
ABSOLVE v. to free from the consequences of an action.
AVIGATORSavigators n. Plural of avigator.
AVIGATOR n. one who navigates aircraft.
GIGAVOLTSgigavolts n. Plural of gigavolt.
giga-volts n. Plural of giga-volt.
GIGAVOLT n. a billion volts.
GRAVITONSgravitons n. Plural of graviton.
GRAVITON n. a hypothetical particle carrying the gravitational force.
RAVIGOTESravigotes n. Plural of ravigote.
RAVIGOTE n. (French) a spicy vinegar sauce, also RAVIGOTTE.
SAVOURINGsavouring v. Present participle of savour.
savouring n. Alternative form of savoring.
SAVOUR v. to taste or smell with pleasure, also SAVOR.
SOLVATINGsolvating v. Present participle of solvate.
SOLVATE v. to convert into a type of ion.
TOGAVIRUStogavirus n. Any of the virus family Togaviridae.
TOGAVIRUS n. one of a family of viruses.
VAGARIOUSvagarious adj. Subject to vagaries; erratic.
vagarious adj. Tending to wander or roam.
vagarious adj. Capricious.
VAGINOSESvaginoses n. Plural of vaginosis.
VAGINOSIS n. a bacterial vaginal infection.
VAGINOSISvaginosis n. (Medicine) Any disease or infection of the vagina.
VAGINOSIS n. a bacterial vaginal infection.
VAMOOSINGvamoosing v. Present participle of vamoose.
VAMOOSE v. to leave quickly, also VAMOSE.
VAPORINGSvaporings n. Plural of vaporing.
VAPORING n. boastful talk.
VILLAGIOSvillagios n. Plural of villagio.
VILLIAGOSvilliagos n. Plural of villiago.
VILLIAGO n. (Shakespeare) a coward, also VILIACO, VILIAGO, VILLAGIO, VILLIACO.
VIRAGOISHviragoish adj. Like a virago.
VIRAGOISH adj. like a virago, a loud overbearing woman, a termagant.
VOISINAGEVOISINAGE n. (obsolete) a neighbourhood.
VOYAGINGSvoyagings n. Plural of voyaging.
VOYAGING n. the act of making a voyage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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