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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, G, H, P, S and T

APOTHEGMSapothegms n. Plural of apothegm.
APOTHEGM n. (Greek) a short, pithy and instructive saying or formulation, also APOPHTHEGM.
GIANTSHIPgiantship n. The state, personality, or character of a giant.
giantship n. A compellation for a giant.
GIANTSHIP n. the state, personality, or character, of a giant.
GRAPESHOTgrapeshot n. (Historical) A cluster of small iron balls, put together in a canvas bag in order to be used as a charge for a cannon.
GRAPESHOT n. clustered iron shot that scatters when fired.
GRAPHITESgraphites n. Plural of graphite.
GRAPHITE n. a soft variety of carbon.
HEPTAGONSheptagons n. Plural of heptagon.
HEPTAGON n. a seven-sided polygon.
HOSPITAGEhospitage n. (Obsolete) hospitality.
HOSPITAGE n. (Spenser) hospitality.
NIGHTCAPSnightcaps n. Plural of nightcap.
nightcaps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nightcap.
NIGHTCAP n. a cap worn to bed; a drink taken last thing at night.
PAKTHONGSPAKTHONG n. (Chinese) a Chinese alloy of nickel, zinc, and copper, resembling German silver, also PACKFONG, PAKFONG, PAKTONG.
PATCHINGSpatchings n. Plural of patching.
PATCHING n. the act of patching.
PATHOGENSpathogens n. Plural of pathogen.
PATHOGEN n. a disease-producing organism, also PATHOGENE.
POTASHINGpotashing v. Present participle of potash.
POTASH v. to treat with potash.
SPAGHETTIspaghetti n. A type of pasta made in the shape of long thin strings.
spaghetti n. (By extension) A dish that has spaghetti as a main part of it, such as spaghetti bolognese.
spaghetti n. (Informal) Any type of pasta.
STRAPHANGstraphang v. (Intransitive) To ride public transport while standing and holding onto a strap.
strap-hang v. Alternative form of straphang.
STRAPHANG v. of a passenger in a train or bus, to hold on to a strap for safety.
STRAPHUNGstraphung v. Simple past tense and past participle of straphang.
STRAPHANG v. of a passenger in a train or bus, to hold on to a strap for safety.
TRIGRAPHStrigraphs n. Plural of trigraph.
TRIGRAPH n. a combination of three letters for one sound.
UPGATHERSupgathers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of upgather.
UPGATHER v. to gather up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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