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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, G, H, N, O and U

AGNATHOUSagnathous adj. Jawless.
agnathous adj. (Pathology) Afflicted by or characteristic of agnathia.
AGNATHOUS adj. lacking jaws, esp. of hagfish and lampreys.
AUTHORINGauthoring v. Present participle of author.
authoring n. The process of creating the content of a document or other content item, i.e., writing or composition.
authoring n. The result of this process; a writing or composition.
AVOUCHINGavouching v. Present participle of avouch.
AVOUCH v. (archaic) to justify.
DRAGHOUNDdraghound n. A hunting dog especially trained to be effective in drag hunts, having the highly developed sense of…
drag-hound n. Alternative form of draghound.
drag␣hound n. Alternative form of draghound.
GAZEHOUNDgazehound n. Synonym of sighthound (“a hound that primarily hunts by sight and speed, instead of by scent and endurance”).
gaze-hound n. Alternative form of gazehound.
GAZEHOUND n. a hound that pursues by the sight rather than by the scent.
GOCHUJANGgochujang n. A condiment based on red chili, used in Korean cuisine.
GOCHUJANG n. a spicy paste used in Korean cuisine that is made from red chili peppers, glutinous rice, and fermented soybeans.
GRAYHOUNDgrayhound n. (American spelling, uncommon) Alternative form of greyhound.
GRAYHOUND n. a tall slender fast-moving dog of an ancient breed originally used for coursing, also GREYHOUND.
HULLOAINGhulloaing v. Present participle of hulloa.
HULLOA v. to hallo.
ONSLAUGHTonslaught n. A fierce attack.
onslaught n. (By extension) A large number of people or things resembling an attack.
ONSLAUGHT n. an attack.
PLOUGHMANploughman n. (Britain) Alternative spelling of plowman.
PLOUGHMAN n. a man who drives or guides horses in ploughing, also PLOWMAN.
PUTONGHUAputonghua n. Alternative letter-case form of Putonghua.
Putonghua prop.n. Standard Mandarin, the official language of the People’s Republic of China; the state-designated national…
PUTONGHUA n. the official spoken language of China.
QINGHAOSUqinghaosu n. The drug artemisinin.
QINGHAOSU n. (Chinese) a crystalline compound obtained from artemisia.
SHOGUNATEshogunate n. (Historical) The administration of a shogun.
SHOGUNATE n. the office or dignity of a shogun, a hereditary military governor of Japan.
SPHAGNOUSsphagnous adj. Pertaining to, or consisting of, sphagnum.
SPHAGNOUS adj. pertaining to moss of the genus Sphagnum, or bog moss.
STAGHOUNDstaghound n. Any of several large dogs once bred to hunt stags.
STAGHOUND n. a dog used for hunting stags.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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