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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, G, H, M, R and S

BROUGHAMSbroughams n. Plural of brougham.
BROUGHAM n. a one-horse closed carriage.
ECHOGRAMSechograms n. Plural of echogram.
ECHOGRAM n. a record produced by a device that uses ultrasonic waves.
ETHOGRAMSethograms n. Plural of ethogram.
ETHOGRAM n. a list of the behavior patterns of a species.
GRAMASHESgramashes n. Gaiters reaching to the knee; leggings.
GRAMASH n. a type of legging, also GAMASH, GRAMOCHE.
GRAMOCHESGRAMOCHE n. (Scots) a type of legging, also GAMASH, GRAMASH.
GRAPHEMESgraphemes n. Plural of grapheme.
GRAPHEME n. a unit of a writing system.
GRAPHIUMSgraphiums n. Plural of graphium.
GRAPHIUM n. (Latin) a stylus.
HAMSTRINGhamstring n. (Anatomy) One of the great tendons situated in each side of the ham, or space back of the knee, and…
hamstring n. (Informal) The biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus muscles.
hamstring v. (Transitive) To lame or disable by cutting the tendons of the ham or knee; to hough.
HAMSTRUNGhamstrung adj. (Figurative) Restricted as if by being crippled with a hamstring.
hamstrung v. Simple past tense and past participle of hamstring.
HAMSTRING v. to disable by severing the hamstrings.
HEXAGRAMShexagrams n. Plural of hexagram.
HEXAGRAM n. a six-pointed star.
HISTOGRAMhistogram n. (Statistics) A graphical display of numerical data in the form of upright bars, with the area of each…
histogram v. (Transitive) To represent (data) as a histogram.
HISTOGRAM n. a diagram consisting of a number of rectangles or lines drawn (usually upwards) from a base line, their heights representing frequencies of a series of values (or value-ranges) of a quantity.
HOLOGRAMSholograms n. Plural of hologram.
HOLOGRAM n. a three-dimensional photograph.
MISCHARGEmischarge v. (Law or finance) To charge wrongly.
mischarge n. A mistake in charging, as in an account.
MISCHARGE v. to charge erroneously, as to an account.
MYOGRAPHSmyographs n. Plural of myograph.
MYOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording muscular contractions.
PESHMERGApeshmerga n. A term used by Kurds to refer to armed Kurdish fighters.
peshmerga n. The official name of the military forces of Iraqi Kurdistan.
PESHMERGA n. the military forces of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan.
PHARMINGSPHARMING n. the production of pharmaceuticals from genetically altered plants or animals.
SHMEARINGshmearing v. Present participle of shmear.
SHMEAR v. (Yiddish) to bribe.
TAGHAIRMStaghairms n. Plural of taghairm.
TAGHAIRM n. (Gaelic) inspiration sought by lying in a bullock's hide behind a waterfall.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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