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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, G, H, L and 2S

CLASHINGSclashings n. Plural of clashing.
CLASHING n. a striking against; opposition, conflict, disagreement.
FLAGSHIPSflagships n. Plural of flagship.
FLAGSHIP n. the ship carrying an admiral and flying his flag.
FLASHGUNSflashguns n. Plural of flashgun.
flash␣guns n. Plural of flash gun.
FLASHGUN n. a photographic apparatus.
FLASHINGSflashings n. Plural of flashing.
FLASHING n. sheet metal used to waterproof a roof.
GASLIGHTSgaslights n. Plural of gaslight.
gas␣lights n. Plural of gas light.
GASLIGHT v. to attempt to manipulate (a person) by continually presenting them with false information until they doubt their sanity.
GOULASHESgoulashes n. Plural of goulash.
GOULASH n. (Hungarian) a stew or ragout of meat and vegetables highly seasoned.
HANDGLASShandglass n. Alternative form of hand glass.
hand␣glass n. A small glazed frame for the protection of plants.
hand␣glass n. A small mirror with a handle.
HOURGLASShourglass n. A clock made of two glass vessels connected by a narrow passage through which sand flows.
hourglass n. (Graphical user interface) A cursor, often shaped like an hourglass, indicating that the computer is busy.
hour-glass n. Alternative form of hourglass.
LANGSHANSLangshans n. Plural of Langshan.
LANGSHAN n. (Chinese) a small black Chinese hen.
PLASHINGSplashings n. Plural of plashing.
PLASHING n. a process of hedge mending.
SCHLAGERSschlagers n. Plural of schlager.
SCHLAGER n. (German) a duelling sword used in some German universities.
SHAWLINGSshawlings n. Plural of shawling.
SHAWLING n. the wearing of a shawl.
SHEALINGSshealings n. Plural of shealing.
SHEALING n. a rough hut near summer pasture used as shelter by shepherds, also SHEILING, SHIELING.
SHEARLEGSshearlegs n. Plural of shearleg.
shear␣legs n. (Nautical) A form of derrick, consisting of three poles and a block and tackle, used to hoist and lower…
SHEARLEG n. one of the spars of sheers, also SHEERLEG.
SHIGELLASshigellas n. Plural of shigella.
SHIGELLA n. a rod-shaped bacterium that causes bacillary dysentery.
SHOALINGSshoalings n. Plural of shoaling.
SHOALING n. a shallow area of water.
SLAGHEAPSslagheaps n. Plural of slagheap.
slag␣heaps n. Plural of slag heap.
SLAGHEAP n. a heap of slag refuse.
SLASHINGSslashings n. Plural of slashing.
SLASHING n. the act of one that slashes.
SPLASHINGsplashing v. Present participle of splash.
splashing n. An action that splashes.
SPLASHING n. the act of splashing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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