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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, G, H, I, O and T

ALGORITHMalgorithm n. (Countable) A collection of ordered steps that solve a mathematical problem. A precise step-by-step…
algorithm n. (Uncountable, obsolete) Calculation with Arabic numerals; algorism.
ALGORITHM n. a step-by-step procedure for solving a particular problem or set of problems.
AUTHORINGauthoring v. Present participle of author.
authoring n. The process of creating the content of a document or other content item, i.e., writing or composition.
authoring n. The result of this process; a writing or composition.
FATHOMINGfathoming v. Present participle of fathom.
FATHOM v. to ascertain the depth of.
GIANTHOODgianthood n. The state of being a giant.
GIANTHOOD n. the state of being a giant.
GNATHIONSGNATHION n. (Greek) the tip of the chin.
GNATHONICgnathonic adj. (Obsolete) Deceitful; flattering.
GNATHONIC adj. (obsolete) flattering, also GNATHONICAL.
GOATISHLYgoatishly adv. In a goatish way.
GOATISH adv. lustful.
GRANOLITHgranolith n. A paving stone made from granite chippings in a cement aggregate.
GRANOLITH n. a paving material consisting of a mixture of cement and crushed granite or granite chippings.
HISTOGRAMhistogram n. (Statistics) A graphical display of numerical data in the form of upright bars, with the area of each…
histogram v. (Transitive) To represent (data) as a histogram.
HISTOGRAM n. a diagram consisting of a number of rectangles or lines drawn (usually upwards) from a base line, their heights representing frequencies of a series of values (or value-ranges) of a quantity.
HOATCHINGhoatching adj. (Scotland, usually followed by with) Infested; swarming; teeming.
HOATCHING adj. (Scots) infested, swarming e.g. with flies.
HOSPITAGEhospitage n. (Obsolete) hospitality.
HOSPITAGE n. (Spenser) hospitality.
LOATHINGSloathings n. Plural of loathing.
LOATHING n. extreme dislike.
LOGARITHMlogarithm n. (Mathematics) For a number 𝑥, the power to which a given base number must be raised in order to obtain…
LOGARITHM n. a mathematical operation used esp. before electronic computing, to simplify multiplication and division.
OGHAMISTSoghamists n. Plural of oghamist.
Oghamists n. Plural of Oghamist.
OGHAMIST n. one who writes in ogham.
OUTASIGHToutasight adj. (Slang, dated) excellent, amazing.
OUTASIGHT adj. amazing, excellent, also OUTASITE.
PHONATINGphonating v. Present participle of phonate.
PHONATE v. to produce speech sounds.
POTASHINGpotashing v. Present participle of potash.
POTASH v. to treat with potash.
TAIHOAINGTAIHOA v. (Maori) to hold on, wait.
THROATINGthroating v. Present participle of throat.
throating n. (Architecture) A drip or dripstone.
THROAT v. to utter in a hoarse voice.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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