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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, 2G, N, S and U

ANGKLUNGSangklungs n. Plural of angklung.
ANGKLUNG n. (Javanese) a musical instrument of South Asia, composed of bamboo tubes, also ANKLONG, ANKLUNG.
ANGLEDUGSANGLEDUG n. (English dialect) an earthworm, also ANGLETWITCH.
ASSUAGINGassuaging v. Present participle of assuage.
assuaging n. The act of one who assuages.
ASSUAGING n. the act of making less severe.
GLUCAGONSglucagons n. Plural of glucagon.
GLUCAGON n. a pancreatic hormone which raises blood-sugar level and reduces appetite.
GUNNYBAGSgunnybags n. Plural of gunnybag.
gunny-bags n. Plural of gunny-bag.
GUNNYBAG n. a bag made of gunny, a coarse jute fabric.
LANGUAGESlanguages n. Plural of language.
languages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of language.
LANGUAGE v. to express in a body of words serving as communication.
LAUGHINGSlaughings n. Plural of laughing.
LAUGHING n. the act of laughing.
SLANGUAGEslanguage n. (Somewhat informal) A particular vernacular or vocabulary of slang; the jargon or lingo of a particular group.
SLANGUAGE n. a slang language.
SUGARINGSsugarings n. Plural of sugaring.
SUGARING n. sweetening with sugar.
SUNGAZINGsungazing n. Observing the Sun in the sky.
SUNGAZING n. the practice of staring directly at the sun at sunset or sunrise, esp. in the belief that doing so allows one to survive without eating food.
SYNAGOGUEsynagogue n. A place of worship for Jews or Samaritans.
synagogue n. A congregation of Jews or Samaritans for the purpose of worship or religious study.
SYNAGOGUE n. (Greek) a Jewish church, also SYNAGOG.
UNSNAGGEDunsnagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of unsnag.
unsnagged adj. Not snagged.
UNSNAG v. to free of snags.
UPSTAGINGupstaging v. Present participle of upstage.
upstaging n. A situation where somebody or something is upstaged; thus…
UPSTAGE v. to outdo theatrically.
ZUGZWANGSzugzwangs n. Plural of zugzwang.
ZUGZWANG v. to place in zugzwang.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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