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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, F, S, 2T and U

FACTOTUMSfactotums n. Plural of factotum.
FACTOTUM n. (Latin) a person employed to do many kinds of work.
FATUITIESfatuities n. Plural of fatuity.
FATUITY n. complacent stupidity.
FATUITOUSfatuitous adj. Stupid; fatuous.
FATUITOUS adj. stupid, fatuous, also FATUOUS.
FAULTIESTfaultiest adj. Superlative form of faulty: most faulty.
FAULTY adj. imperfect.
FAUVETTESfauvettes n. Plural of fauvette.
FAUVETTE n. (French) a small singing bird, as the nightingale and warblers.
FISTULATEfistulate v. (Obsolete, transitive, intransitive) To make or become hollow like a fistula, or pipe.
fistulate adj. Hollowed like a fistula.
FISTULATE adj. hollow and cylindrical, like a pipe or reed, also FISTULAR, FISTULOSE, FISTULOUS.
FLAUTISTSflautists n. Plural of flautist.
FLAUTIST n. one who plays the flute, also FLUTIST, FLUTER.
FLUSTRATEflustrate v. (Colloquial) To fluster.
FLUSTRATE v. (obsolete) to fluster.
FRUSTRATEfrustrate v. (Transitive) To disappoint or defeat; to vex by depriving of something expected or desired.
frustrate v. (Transitive) To hinder or thwart.
frustrate v. (Transitive) To cause stress or annoyance.
FUGHETTASfughettas n. Plural of fughetta.
FUGHETTA n. (Italian) a short fugue.
FUNGISTATfungistat n. A chemical or biological agent that stops fungi from reproducing.
FUNGISTAT n. a substance that inhibits the growth of a fungus.
FUSTIGATEfustigate v. (Transitive) To hit someone with a club.
fustigate v. (Figuratively) To harshly criticize someone.
FUSTIGATE v. (obsolete) to beat with a club.
OUTFASTEDoutfasted v. Simple past tense and past participle of outfast.
OUTFAST v. to surpass in fasting.
OUTFEASTSoutfeasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outfeast.
OUTFEAST v. to surpass in feasting.
OUTFLOATSoutfloats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outfloat.
OUTFLOAT v. to float longer than.
POSTFAULTpostfault adj. After a fault.
POSTFAULT adj. taking place after a fault.
STARFRUITstarfruit n. Alternative spelling of star fruit.
star␣fruit n. The fruit of the carambola tree, Averrhoa carambola.
STARFRUIT n. a flower, the Star of Bethlehem.
TARTUFFEStartuffes n. Plural of tartuffe.
TARTUFFE n. (French) a hypocrite, esp. one who affects religious piety, also TARTUFE.
ULTRAFASTultrafast adj. Very fast, or of very short duration; especially concerning events that take place in femtosecond or…
ultra-fast adj. Alternative form of ultrafast.
ULTRAFAST adj. very fast.
ULTRASOFTultrasoft adj. Extremely soft; of utmost softness.
ultrasoft adj. (Motorsports) Softer than supersoft, and harder than hypersoft.
ultrasoft n. (Motorsports) Ellipsis of ultrasoft tyre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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