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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, F, 2N, O and R

AFTERNOONafternoon n. The part of the day from noon or lunchtime until sunset, evening, or suppertime or 6pm.
afternoon n. (Figuratively) The later part of anything, often with implications of decline.
afternoon n. (Informal) A party or social event held in the afternoon.
CHANFRONSchanfrons n. Plural of chanfron.
CHANFRON n. a piece of leather, or plate of steel, to protect the head of a horse in battle, also CHAFFRON, CHAMFRAIN, CHAMFRON.
FANFARONAFANFARONA n. (Scott) a gold chain.
FANFARONSfanfarons n. Plural of fanfaron.
FANFARON n. (Spanish) an empty boaster.
FOREANENTforeanent prep. (Scotland, obsolete) Over against; opposite to.
FOREANENT adv. (Scots) right opposite to in location, also FERNINST, FORNENST, FORNENT.
FRANCOLINfrancolin n. Any of various terrestrial partridges of several genera in family Phasianidae, principally in tribe Gallini.
FRANCOLIN n. (French) a bird of the Francolinus genus of partridges.
INFORMANTinformant n. One who relays confidential information to someone, especially to the police; an informer.
informant n. (Linguistics) A native speaker who acts as a linguistic reference for a language being studied. The…
INFORMANT n. someone who informs.
NONFACTORnonfactor n. Something which is not a factor, or does not play a significant role.
NONFACTOR n. something that is not a factor.
NONFARMERnonfarmer n. One who is not a farmer.
NONFARMER n. someone who is not a farmer.
NONFORMALnonformal adj. Not formal.
NONFORMAL adj. not formal.
NONTARIFFnontariff adj. (Of a restriction to trade) not involving the imposition of a tariff in the form of a tax or duty.
non-tariff adj. Alternative form of nontariff.
NONTARIFF adj. not involving a tariff.
PROFANINGprofaning v. Present participle of profane.
profaning n. Profanation.
PROFANE v. to treat with irreverence or insult.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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