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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, F, M, O, R and U

ANGUIFORManguiform adj. Shaped like a snake.
ANGUIFORM adj. shaped like a snake.
AUSFORMEDausformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of ausform.
AUSFORM v. (German) to deform, quench, and temper a metal.
CAULIFORMcauliform adj. Having the form of a caulis.
CAULIFORM adj. shaped like or resembling a stem.
FARMHOUSEfarmhouse n. A house (usually the main house) on a farm; thus…
farm␣house n. Alternative form of farmhouse.
FARMHOUSE n. the farmer's house attached to a farm.
FORASMUCHforasmuch adv. Inasmuch, seeing (that).
forasmuch adv. (Obsolete) So far as; with regard to so much as.
FORASMUCH conj. because or since.
FORMULAICformulaic adj. Closely following a formula or predictable pattern; imitative, not original.
FORMULAIC adj. of the nature of a formula.
FORMULARSFORMULAR n. a model or set form.
FORMULARYformulary n. A list of formulas; a collection of set forms to be followed, especially in religious belief.
formulary n. A pharmacopoeia or list of available drugs, particularly prescription drugs.
formulary n. (Healthcare) A list of drugs, created by health insurers, hospitals, or prescription drug plans, that…
FORMULATEformulate v. (Transitive) To put into a clear and definite form of statement or expression.
FORMULATE v. to state or express in a clear definite form.
FOULMARTSfoulmarts n. Plural of foulmart.
FOULMART n. a polecat, also FOUMART.
FUMAROLESfumaroles n. Plural of fumarole.
FUMAROLE n. a hole which emits volcanic vapours, also FUMEROLE.
FUMAROLICfumarolic adj. Of or relating to a fumarole or fumaroles.
FUMAROLIC adj. of or like a fumarole, a hole in a volcanic region from which hot gases and vapors issue.
FUMATORIAfumatoria n. Plural of fumatorium.
FUMATORIUM n. (Latin) a place for smoking or fumigation, also FUMATORY.
FUMIGATORfumigator n. One who fumigates.
fumigator n. An apparatus for fumigating.
FUMIGATOR n. one who fumigates.
TAURIFORMtauriform adj. Having the form of a bull.
TAURIFORM adj. having the form of a bull.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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