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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, F, L, R and 2S

CRAFTLESScraftless adj. Without craft; unskilled.
craftless adj. Without craft; boatless, etc.
CRAFTLESS adj. without craft or cunning.
CROSSFALLcrossfall n. Synonym of camber (“slope of a road”).
CROSSFALL n. the transverse inclination on a road.
FARNESOLSfarnesols n. Plural of farnesol.
FARNESOL n. (Italian) an alcohol found in various essential oils and used in perfumery.
FAVORLESSfavorless adj. Alternative form of favourless.
FAVORLESS adj. (US) without favor, also FAVOURLESS.
FELDSPARSfeldspars n. Plural of feldspar.
FELDSPAR n. a common rock-forming mineral, also FELDSPATH, FELSPAR.
FLYSPRAYSfly␣sprays n. Plural of fly spray.
FLYSPRAY n. an insecticide, or the aerosol containing it.
FORESAILSforesails n. Plural of foresail.
FORESAIL n. the lowest sail set on the foremast of a square-rigged ship.
FORSLACKSforslacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forslack.
FORSLACK v. to be slack, also FORESLACK.
FOSSORIALfossorial adj. (Zoology) Of, pertaining to, or adapted for digging or burrowing.
fossorial n. (Zoology) Any digging animal (such as a mole).
FOSSORIAL adj. adapted for burrowing or digging, e.g. of claws.
FRAILNESSfrailness n. The state of being frail; frailty; weakness.
FRAILNESS n. the state of being frail.
FRAMELESSframeless adj. Without a frame.
frameless adj. (Computing, of a webpage) Without frames.
FRAMELESS adj. without a frame.
FUSAROLESfusaroles n. Plural of fusarole.
FUSAROLE n. (French) a semicircular moulding around a column, also FUSAROL.
SAFRONALSSAFRONAL n. a spicy-tasting chemical constituent of saffron.
SCLAFFERSsclaffers n. Plural of sclaffer.
SCLAFFER n. one who sclaffs, slaps.
SCROFULASscrofulas n. Plural of scrofula.
SCROFULA n. (Latin) tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, esp. in the neck, giving rise to abscesses.
SEAFLOORSseafloors n. Plural of seafloor.
SEAFLOOR n. the bottom of the sea.
SELFWARDSselfwards adv. Towards oneself.
SELFWARDS adv. towards oneself, also SELFWARD.
SERAFILESserafiles n. Plural of serafile.
SERAFILE n. men riding in the rear of a squadron.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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