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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, F, 2L, R and U

BARREFULLBARREFULL adj. full of obstructions, also BARFUL.
BARRELFULbarrelful n. As much as a barrel will hold.
barrelful n. A large amount.
BARRELFUL n. the contents of a barrel.
CAREFULLYcarefully adv. (Obsolete) Sorrowfully.
carefully adv. With care; attentively, circumspectly.
CAREFUL adv. cautious.
FEARFULLYfearfully adv. In a fearful manner; characterized by fear.
fearfully adv. (UK, dated) very; very much.
FEARFUL adv. full of fear.
FIGURALLYfigurally adv. In a figural manner.
FIGURAL adv. represented by a figure.
FLAVORFULflavorful adj. Full of flavor.
FLAVORFUL adj. full of flavor, also FLAVOURFUL.
FLOCCULARfloccular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the flocculus.
floccular adj. (Chemistry) Having flocs, or floccules.
FLOCCULAR adj. like a floccus, a flake.
FLOSCULARfloscular adj. Flosculous.
FLOSCULAR adj. composed of floscules, florets, also FLOSCULOUS.
FOURBALLSfourballs n. Plural of fourball.
four-balls n. Plural of four-ball.
FOURBALL n. a golf game for four golfers in teams of two.
HARMFULLYharmfully adv. In a harmful manner.
HARMFUL adv. capable of harming.
MANFULLERmanfuller adj. Comparative form of manful: more manful.
MANFUL adj. courageous.
TEARFULLYtearfully adv. In a tearful manner.
TEARFUL adv. full of tears.
ULTRALEFTultraleft adj. (Politics) Extremely left-wing.
ultraleft n. A person of extremely left-wing political beliefs.
ULTRALEFT n. the very far left in politics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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