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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, F, H, O, R and T

AFTERSHOWaftershow adj. Occurring after a show.
aftershow n. An event which takes place following a show.
aftershow n. (Television) A talk show that discusses another television show that has already aired.
EARTHWOLFearthwolf n. An aardwolf (Proteles cristatus).
EARTHWOLF n. a hyena-like African mammal, aka aardwolf.
FATHOMERSfathomers n. Plural of fathomer.
FATHOMER n. one who fathoms.
FLOWCHARTflowchart n. Alternative spelling of flow chart.
flow␣chart n. A schematic representation of how the different stages in a process are interconnected.
FLOWCHART n. a chart pictorially representing the nature and sequence of operations to be carried out, e.g. in a computer program.
FORETEACHforeteach v. (Transitive) To teach or instruct beforehand.
FORETEACH v. to teach beforehand.
FORGATHERforgather v. (Intransitive) To assemble or gather together in one place, to gather up; to congregate.
FORGATHER v. to gather together, assemble, also FOREGATHER.
FORSYTHIAforsythia n. Any of several shrubs, of the genus Forsythia, native to Asia and Eastern Europe, that are cultivated…
Forsythia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Oleaceae – the forsythias, native to Eurasia, principally east Asia.
FORSYTHIA n. any shrub of the genus Forsythia, a popular garden plant producing clusters of yellow jasmine-like flowers in the spring.
FORTHCAMEforthcame v. Simple past tense of forthcome.
FORTHCOME v. (obsolete) to come forth.
GODFATHERgodfather n. A man present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner;…
godfather n. A small post which is used in repairing a fence. For instance attached to and supporting an existing…
godfather n. A mafia leader.
HAFTAROTHhaftaroth n. Plural of haftarah.
Haftaroth n. Plural of Haftarah.
HAFTARA n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARAH, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAFTORAHShaftorahs n. Plural of haftorah.
HAFTORAH n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARA, HAFTARAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAFTOROTHhaftoroth n. Plural of haftorah.
HAFTORAH n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARA, HAFTARAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HEATPROOFheatproof adj. Insulating and incombustible.
heatproof v. (Transitive) To make insulating and incombustible.
heat-proof adj. Unable to be affected or damaged by heat.
HOARFROSThoarfrost n. Alternative form of hoar-frost.
hoar-frost n. Alternative form of hoar frost.
hoar␣frost n. Originally, any frozen dew forming a white deposit on exposed surfaces.
HOMECRAFThomecraft n. (Countable) A homemade handicraft.
homecraft n. (Uncountable) The art of homemaking.
HOMECRAFT n. a craft practised at home.
HOMOGRAFThomograft n. Synonym of allograft.
HOMOGRAFT n. a graft from one individual to another unrelated individual of the same species.
ROCKSHAFTrock␣shaft n. A shaft in a steam engine that oscillates instead of revolving.
ROCKSHAFT n. a shaft that rocks.
SHOREFASTshorefast adj. Held fast (securely) to the shore.
SHOREFAST adj. of ice, attached to the shore, landfast.
SHORTFALLshortfall n. An instance of not meeting a quota, debt, or monthly payment on a debt or other obligation, or of having…
shortfall n. The amount by which a quota, debt, or monthly payment on a debt or other obligation is missed; the difference…
short-fall n. Alternative spelling of shortfall.
THIOFURANthiofuran n. Thiophene.
THIOFURAN n. a five-membered heterocyclic compound with sulphur, aka thiophen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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