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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, F, G, I and 2S

FEASTINGSfeastings n. Plural of feasting.
FEASTING n. the act of feasting.
FLAGSHIPSflagships n. Plural of flagship.
FLAGSHIP n. the ship carrying an admiral and flying his flag.
FLASHINGSflashings n. Plural of flashing.
FLASHING n. sheet metal used to waterproof a roof.
GAFFSAILSgaffsails n. Plural of gaffsail.
gaff␣sails n. Plural of gaff sail.
GAFFSAIL n. a quadrilateral foresail.
GARFISHESgarfishes n. Plural of garfish.
GARFISH n. any of various fishes with slender bodies and long spearlike snouts, aka needlefish, also GARPIKE.
GASFIELDSgasfields n. Plural of gasfield.
gas␣fields n. Plural of gas field.
GASFIELD n. an area with natural gas.
GASIFIERSgasifiers n. Plural of gasifier.
GASIFIER n. a device for gasifying, converting into gas.
HAGFISHEShagfishes n. Plural of hagfish.
HAGFISH n. a scavenging fish which resembles an eel.
ISOGRAFTSisografts n. Plural of isograft.
ISOGRAFT v. to transplant from one to another of the same species.
MISGRAFTSmisgrafts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misgraft.
MISGRAFT v. to graft wrongly.
OSSIFRAGAossifraga n. Alternative form of ossifrage.
OSSIFRAGA n. (Latin) the giant fulmar.
OSSIFRAGEossifrage n. (Archaic) Gypaetus barbatus, the diet of which is almost exclusively bone marrow.
ossifrage n. (Obsolete) The young of the sea eagle or bald eagle.
ossifrage n. (Britain) The osprey.
SCARFINGSSCARFING n. in carpentry, joining with a scarf end.
SHAFTINGSshaftings n. Plural of shafting.
SHAFTING n. a system of rods for transmitting power.
STAFFINGSstaffings n. Plural of staffing.
STAFFING n. the provision of staff.
STRAFINGSstrafings n. Plural of strafing.
STRAFING n. the act of raking with machinegun fire from low-flying aeroplanes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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