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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, E, P, R, T and Z

APPETIZERappetizer n. A small, light, and usually savory first course in a meal.
appetizer n. Something that creates or increases excitement for what is to follow.
APPETIZER n. something that whets the appetite, also APPETISER.
AZEOTROPEazeotrope n. (Physics) A mixture of two or more substances whose liquid and gaseous forms have the same composition…
azeotrope v. To create a mixture of this kind.
AZEOTROPE n. a chemical term for a certain type of liquid mixture.
AZEOTROPYazeotropy n. (Physics, chemistry) The formation of an azeotrope; the condition of being azeotropic.
AZEOTROPY n. the state of being an azeotrope.
BAPTIZERSbaptizers n. Plural of baptizer.
BAPTIZER n. one who baptizes, also BAPTISER.
OPERATIZEoperatize v. (Transitive) To convert into operatic form.
OPERATIZE v. to turn a play etc. into an opera, also OPERATISE.
PATRONIZEpatronize v. (Transitive) To act as a patron of; to defend, protect, or support.
patronize v. (Transitive) To make oneself a customer of a business, especially a regular customer.
patronize v. (Transitive) To assume a tone of unjustified superiority toward; to talk down to, to treat condescendingly.
PETAHERTZpetahertz n. (Metrology) An SI unit of frequency equal to 1015 hertz.
PETAHERTZ n. a very large unit of electrical frequency.
PRELATIZEprelatize v. (Intransitive) To uphold or encourage prelacy; to exercise prelatical functions.
prelatize v. (Transitive) To bring under the influence of prelacy.
PRELATIZE v. to bring under the influence of the prelacy, also PRELATISE.
PRIVATIZEprivatize v. (Economics) To release government control (of a business or industry) to private industry.
privatize v. (Computing, transitive) To make (A variable, etc.) private in scope.
PRIVATIZE v. to transfer from ownership by the state into private ownership; to denationalize, also PRIVATISE.
RAPTURIZErapturize v. (Transitive) To put in a state of rapture.
rapturize v. (Intransitive) To enter a state of rapture.
RAPTURIZE v. to put, or be put, in a state of rapture, also RAPTURISE.
REBAPTIZErebaptize v. (Transitive) To baptize again.
rebaptize v. (Transitive) To rename.
REBAPTIZE v. to baptize again or a second time, also REBAPTISE.
THERAPIZEtherapize v. (Transitive) To subject (someone) to therapy, especially to psychotherapy.
THERAPIZE v. to subject to psychological therapy, also THERAPISE.
TRAPEZIALtrapezial adj. In the form of a trapezium.
trapezial adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the trapezius muscle.
trapezial adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the trapezium bone of the wrist.
TRAPEZINGtrapezing v. Present participle of trapeze.
TRAPEZE v. to perform on a gymnastic apparatus.
TRAPEZISTtrapezist n. A gymnast who performs on a trapeze.
TRAPEZIST n. one who performs on a trapeze.
TRAPEZIUMtrapezium n. (Geometry, Britain, Australia, New Zealand) A quadrilateral with two sides parallel.
trapezium n. (Geometry, US, dated) A four-sided polygon with no parallel sides and no sides equal; a simple convex…
trapezium n. (Anatomy) The trapezium bone of the wrist.
TRAPEZIUStrapezius n. (Anatomy) A large vertebrate skeletal muscle divided into an ascending, descending, and transverse portion…
TRAPEZIUS n. (Latin) either of two, flat large muscles running from the base of the occiput to the middle of the back.
TRAPEZOIDtrapezoid n. (Geometry, US) A (convex) quadrilateral with two (non-adjacent) parallel sides.
trapezoid n. (Geometry, Britain, Australia, New Zealand) A convex quadrilateral with no sides parallel.
trapezoid n. (Anatomy) The trapezoid bone of the wrist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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