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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, E, 2O, R and W

BEARWOODSBEARWOOD n. a small tree of the genus buckthorn.
CEDARWOODcedarwood n. The wood of the cedar tree.
CEDARWOOD n. the wood of the cedar.
COOKWAREScookwares n. Plural of cookware.
COOKWARE n. utensils used in cooking.
EARLYWOODearlywood n. Wood formed in a tree relatively early in the season.
EARLYWOOD n. the wood formed in the first part of the growth layer during the spring.
FOOTWEARSfootwears n. Plural of footwear.
FOOTWEAR n. anything worn on the feet.
FOOTWEARYFOOTWEARY adj. weary from walking.
FOREWOMANforewoman n. (Management) A female leader of a work crew (a female foreperson or female foreman).
forewoman n. (Law) A female foreman of a jury.
FOREWOMAN n. a woman overseer.
HAREWOODSHarewoods prop.n. Plural of Harewood.
HAREWOOD n. stained sycamore wood, used for making furniture.
HEARTWOODheartwood n. The wood nearer the heart of a stem or branch, different in color from the sapwood.
HEARTWOOD n. the inner wood of a tree, harder than the sapwood.
HOLLOWAREholloware n. Alternative spelling of hollowware.
HOLLOWARE n. hollow articles of china, iron etc. e.g. pots and kettles.
OARSWOMENoarswomen n. Plural of oarswoman.
OARSWOMAN n. a woman who rows.
PEARWOODSpearwoods n. Plural of pearwood.
PEARWOOD n. the wood of the pear tree.
POWERBOATpowerboat n. A small, fast motorboat.
POWERBOAT n. a boat propelled by an inboard or outboard motor.
WANDEROOSwanderoos n. Plural of wanderoo.
WANDEROO n. (Sinhalese) a long-tailed monkey, native to the Malabar coast of India.
WAREROOMSwarerooms n. Plural of wareroom.
WAREROOM n. a room for the display of goods.
WATERLOOSWaterloos n. Plural of Waterloo.
WATERLOO n. a decisive defeat.
WATERZOOIwaterzooi n. A type of Flemish stew, traditionally made with fish.
WATERZOOI n. a stew of fish or chicken and vegetables in a seasoned stock thickened with cream and egg yolks.
WEARPROOFwearproof adj. Resistant to physical wear.
WEARPROOF adj. proof against wear.
WOOMERANGwoomerang n. (Archaic) Alternative form of woomera.
WOOMERANG n. (Native Australian) a stick for launching a spear with greater force, also WOMERA, WOMMERA, WOOMERA.
ZEBRAWOODzebrawood n. Any wood with a figure (grain pattern) like the striping of a zebra, most often wood of the genus Microberlinia.
ZEBRAWOOD n. a kind of cabinet wood having beautiful black, brown, and whitish stripes, the timber of a tropical American tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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