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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, 2N, O and W

DOWNRANGEdownrange adj. In the horizontal direction away from the launch site of a rocket or projectile in the direction of its travel.
downrange adv. In the horizontal direction away from the launch site of a rocket or projectile in the direction of its travel.
DOWNRANGE adv. in a direction down the range.
HANDWOVENhandwoven adj. Woven by hand, or with a hand-operated loom.
hand-woven adj. Alternative form of handwoven.
HANDWOVEN adj. woven by hand.
LANDOWNERlandowner n. A person who owns land.
LANDOWNER n. one who owns land.
NANOWIRESnanowires n. Plural of nanowire.
NANOWIRE n. a wire of microscopic thickness.
NEWSWOMANnewswoman n. A female reporter or newsreader.
NEWSWOMAN n. a female newsman.
NONANSWERnonanswer n. The lack of an answer.
nonanswer n. An answer that is so vague or noncommittal as to be worthless.
non-answer n. Alternative spelling of nonanswer.
NONLAWYERnonlawyer n. Alternative form of non-lawyer.
non-lawyer n. A person that is not a lawyer.
NONLAWYER n. one who is not a lawyer.
SNOWSNAKEsnowsnake n. Alternative form of snow snake.
snow␣snake n. (Uncountable) A Native American winter sport in which poles are thrown as far as possible along a trough…
snow␣snake n. (Countable) The pole used in this game.
UNWOMANEDunwomaned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unwoman.
unwomaned adj. Unattended by a woman.
UNWOMAN v. to make unwomanly.
WANTONERSwantoners n. Plural of wantoner.
WANTONER n. one who wantons.
WANTONESTwantonest adj. Superlative form of wanton: most wanton.
WANTON adj. thoughtlessly cruel.
WANTONISEwantonise v. Alternative form of wantonize.
WANTONISE v. (archaic) to play the wanton, also WANTONIZE.
WANTONIZEwantonize v. (Intransitive) To be wanton; to indulge in lewdness, flirtation or lasciviousness.
WANTONIZE v. (archaic) to play the wanton, also WANTONISE.
WARBONNETwarbonnet n. Alternative spelling of war bonnet.
war␣bonnet n. A ceremonial headdress, decorated with a trailing extension of eagle feathers, worn by some Native American peoples.
WARBONNET n. a headdress worn by members of certain North American Indian tribes.
WEAPONINGweaponing v. Present participle of weapon.
WEAPON v. to supply with an instrument of offence or defence.
WOMANNESSwomanness n. Quality of being a woman.
WOMANNESS n. the state of being a woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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