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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, E, L, M, O and V

IMMOVABLEimmovable adj. Incapable of being physically moved; fixed.
immovable adj. Steadfast in purpose or intention; unalterable, unyielding.
immovable adj. Not capable of being affected or moved in feeling; impassive.
LOVEMAKERlovemaker n. Someone who makes love; a person who has sexual intercourse.
LOVEMAKER n. one who makes love.
MALVOISIEmalvoisie n. Synonym of malmsey (“wine”).
MALVOISIE n. (French) a strong sweet wine, also MALMSEY, MALVESIE.
MARVELOUSmarvelous adj. Alternative spelling of marvellous.
MARVELOUS adj. (US) astonishing, very pleasing, also MARVELLOUS.
MEGAVOLTSmegavolts n. Plural of megavolt.
mega-volts n. Plural of mega-volt.
MEGAVOLT n. a unit of electromotive force.
MOLDAVITEmoldavite n. (Geology) A substance formed by meteorite impact, a component of the tektites found across central Europe.
MOLDAVITE n. a green tektite found in the Czech republic, thought to be the product of an ancient meteorite impact in Germany.
MOVEABLESmoveables n. Plural of moveable.
MOVEABLE n. something that can be moved, also MOVABLE.
MOVIELANDmovieland n. The industry of films and filmmaking.
movieland n. The fictitious world where films are set.
MOVIELAND n. the world of the movies.
MOVIEOLASMOVIEOLA n. (tradename) a brand of film-editing machine, also MOVIOLA.
OVERCLAIMoverclaim v. (Transitive) To claim too much.
OVERCLAIM v. to claim excessively.
REMOVABLEremovable adj. Able to be removed.
removable n. Something that can be removed.
REMOVABLE adj. capable of being removed, also REMOVEABLE.
REMOVABLYremovably adv. Such that it can be removed.
REMOVABLE adv. capable of being removed, also REMOVEABLE.
SEMIVOCALsemivocal adj. (Phonetics) Of or relating to a semivowel.
SEMIVOCAL adj. of or relating to a semivowel, also SEMIVOCALIC.
UNMOVABLEunmovable adj. Not physically able to be moved.
unmovable adj. Incapable of being emotionally moved or persuaded.
UNMOVABLE adj. that cannot be moved, also UNMOVEABLE.
VOICEMAILvoicemail n. (Uncountable) A computerized interactive system for storing, processing and reproducing verbal messages…
voicemail n. (Countable, by extension) An individual message on such a system.
voice␣mail n. Alternative spelling of voicemail.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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