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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, E, L, 2M and N

ALMSWOMENalmswomen n. Plural of almswoman.
ALMSWOMAN n. a woman who receives alms.
ANALEMMASanalemmas n. Plural of analemma.
ANALEMMA n. (Greek) the figure-8 on a map showing the sun's seasonal course.
COMMENSALcommensal adj. (Ecology) Of a form of symbiosis in which one organism derives a benefit while the other is unaffected.
commensal adj. Eating at the same table.
commensal n. (Ecology) An organism partaking in a commensal relationship.
EMBALMINGembalming v. Present participle of embalm.
embalming n. The work of an embalmer.
EMBALMING n. the act of embalming.
ENTRAMMELentrammel v. (Transitive) To hamper by entangling.
ENTRAMMEL v. to trammel; to entangle.
IMMANACLEimmanacle v. (Transitive) To manacle; to fetter.
IMMANACLE v. (Milton) to put in manacles.
IMMANTLEDimmantled v. Simple past tense and past participle of immantle.
IMMANTLE v. to cloak in a mantle.
IMMANTLESimmantles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of immantle.
IMMANTLE v. to cloak in a mantle.
LUMBERMANlumberman n. A man involved in the production or sale of lumber; a lumberjack or logger.
LUMBERMAN n. someone employed in the felling, sawing etc. of timber, also LUMBERER, LUMBERJACK.
MALMSTONEmalmstone n. Synonym of malm.
malmstone n. A flintlike material used to in pavement or as a building material.
MALMSTONE n. calcareous loam; earth of this kind, formerly used for making brick.
MELAMINESmelamines n. Plural of melamine.
MELAMINE n. a colourless crystalline compound used in making synthetic resins.
MELANISMSmelanisms n. Plural of melanism.
MELANISM n. abnormally dark pigmentation of the skin.
MELANOMASmelanomas n. Plural of melanoma.
MELANOMA n. a darkly pigmented tumor.
MELOMANIAmelomania n. (Music) An abnormal love of music.
MELOMANIA n. a mania for music.
MELOMANICmelomanic adj. Passionate about music.
MELOMANIC adj. suffering from melomania, a craze for music.
MEMBRANALmembranal adj. Of or pertaining to a membrane.
MEMBRANAL adj. of or like a membrane.
MENTALISMmentalism n. The doctrine that physical reality exists only because of the mind’s awareness.
mentalism n. Activities such as mind-reading, especially by performers.
mentalism n. Oppression on the basis of neurological type or perceived intelligence.
MIDDLEMANmiddleman n. An intermediary, agent between two (or more) parties.
middleman n. An intermediate dealer between the manufacturer and the retailer or customer.
middleman n. (Ireland, historical) One who rents land in large tracts, and lets it in small portions to the peasantry.
MUSCLEMANmuscleman n. A bodyguard.
muscleman n. (Bodybuilding) A man with developed muscles.
muscle␣man n. Alternative form of muscleman.
PELMANISMpelmanism n. A system of training to improve the memory.
pelmanism n. A memory card game in which a pack of cards is spread out face down and players try to turn up pairs…
PELMANISM n. a card game in which the cards are spread out face down and have to be picked up in matching pairs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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