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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, E, 2L, P and U

PAPILLULEpapillule n. (Zoology) A very small papilla.
PAPILLULE n. a small papilla, a nipple-like projection.
PERMABULLpermabull n. (Finance, informal) A financial pundit who is permanently bullish on the stock market.
PERMABULL n. an investor who consistently acts in the expectation that the value of stocks and shares will rise.
PHALLUSESphalluses n. Plural of phallus.
PHALLUS n. (Latin) the penis; a symbol of generation in primitive religions.
PLANTULESplantules n. Plural of plantule.
PLANTULE n. a plant embryo.
PLANULATEplanulate adj. Having a flattened form.
planulate adj. (Zoology) Having planulae.
planulate n. The flat, free-swimming, ciliated larva of a cnidarian.
PLATEFULSplatefuls n. Plural of plateful.
PLATEFUL n. the quantity a plate can hold.
PLATESFULplatesful n. Plural of plateful.
PLATEFUL n. the quantity a plate can hold.
PLAUSIBLEplausible adj. Seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable; conceivably true or likely.
plausible adj. Obtaining approbation; specifically pleasing; apparently right; specious.
plausible adj. (Obsolete) Worthy of being applauded; praiseworthy; commendable; ready.
PLUMBABLEplumbable adj. Capable (as depths) of being plumbed.
PLUMBABLE adj. that can be plumbed.
PLURALISEpluralise v. Alternative form of pluralize.
PLURALISE v. to make plural.
PLURALIZEpluralize v. (Transitive, grammar) To make plural.
pluralize v. (Intransitive, grammar) To take a plural; to assume a plural form.
pluralize v. (Transitive) To multiply; to make manifold.
PREHALLUXprehallux n. (Anatomy) An extra first toe, or rudiment of a toe, on the preaxial side of the hallux.
PREHALLUX n. an extra first toe, or rudiment of a toe, on the preaxial side of the hallux.
PRELUDIALpreludial adj. Of or pertaining to a prelude.
PRELUDIAL adj. of or pertaining to a prelude, also PRELUDIOUS.
PRUNELLASprunellas n. Plural of prunella.
PRUNELLA n. a strong silk or woollen material, formerly used for academic and clerical gowns and women's shoes, also PRUNELLE.
PULLULATEpullulate v. To multiply rapidly.
pullulate v. To germinate.
pullulate v. To teem; to be filled (with).
PULSATILEpulsatile adj. Pulsating; that pulses.
pulsatile adj. Characterized by pulses.
pulsatile adj. (Music) Of a musical instrument: played by striking or beating.
PUPILLAGEpupillage n. (Law) A form of apprenticeship for prospective barristers.
PUPILLAGE n. the state of being a pupil or under age, also PUPILAGE.
PUPILLATEpupillate adj. (Zoology) Having a central spot of another color, like the pupil of the human eye.
PUPILLATE v. to cry in the manner of a peacock.
UNPLIABLEunpliable adj. Not pliable.
UNPLIABLE adj. not pliable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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