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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, E, 3L and O

ALBARELLOalbarello n. A ceramic pharmacy or drug jar, generally majolica ware, usually tall rather than wide, and often of a waisted shape.
ALBARELLO n. (Italian) a cylindrical jar used to hold drugs.
ALLOCABLEallocable adj. Able to be allocated.
ALLOCABLE adj. that can be allocated, also ALLOCATABLE.
ALLOWABLEallowable adj. Appropriate; satisfactory; acceptable.
allowable adj. Intellectually admissible; valid; probable.
allowable adj. Able to be added or deducted in consideration of something.
ALLOWEDLYallowedly adv. Admittedly.
ALLOWED adv. ALLOW, to put no obstacle in the way of.
CHLORELLAchlorella n. Any single-celled green alga, of the genus Chlorella, found especially in stagnant water; now produced…
Chlorella prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Chlorellaceae – unicellular green algae.
CHLORELLA n. a member of the genus Chlorella of green freshwater algae.
COLLEGIALcollegial adj. Of, relating to, or ruled by colleagues.
collegial adj. (Roman Catholicism) Ruled by bishops having equal power.
collegial adj. Of or relating to a college or its students; collegiate.
COLUMELLAcolumella n. (Biology) Any of various small structures in plants or animals that are columnar in shape.
columella n. (Anatomy) The skin at the end of the septum which separates the nostrils.
columella n. (Comparative anatomy) In birds, reptiles, and amphibians, the small bone which carries vibration from…
LABELLOIDlabelloid adj. Of or pertaining to the labellum, the lower central petal of the orchid.
LABELLOID adj. liplike.
LAMELLOIDlamelloid adj. Resembling a lamella.
LAMELLOID adj. like lamellae, in thin plates.
LAMELLOSElamellose adj. Composed of, or having, lamellae; lamelliform.
LAMELLOSE adj. composed of, or having, lamellae.
LEAFROLLSLEAFROLL n. a virus disease of potatoes.
LOCELLATElocellate adj. (Botany) Divided into secondary compartments or cells, as where one cavity is separated into several smaller ones.
LOCELLATE adj. divided into small compartments.
LOWBALLEDlowballed v. Simple past tense and past participle of lowball.
LOWBALL v. to give a customer a deceptively low price.
LOYALLESTloyallest adj. Superlative form of loyal: most loyal.
LOYAL adj. faithful.
MALLEOLARmalleolar adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the malleolus.
MALLEOLAR adj. of or pertaining to the malleolus, a rounded bony projection on either side of the ankle.
MALLEOLUSmalleolus n. (Anatomy) The bony prominence with a shape likened to a hammerhead, especially each of those at the…
MALLEOLUS n. (Latin) a rounded bony projection on either side of the ankle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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