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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, S, U and X

BEAUXITESbeauxites n. Plural of beauxite.
BEAUXITE n. a claylike compound which is the main ore of aluminium, also BAUXITE.
BISEXUALSbisexuals n. Plural of bisexual.
BISEXUAL n. one who is attracted to both sexes.
DIAZEUXESDIAZEUXIS n. in Greek music, the separation of two tetrachords by a whole tone.
DIAZEUXISDIAZEUXIS n. in Greek music, the separation of two tetrachords by a whole tone.
EUTAXITESeutaxites n. Plural of eutaxite.
EUTAXITE n. a volcanic rock with bands.
EXUVIATESexuviates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of exuviate.
EXUVIATE v. to cast off or shed.
FIXATURESfixatures n. Plural of fixature.
FIXATURE n. a hair fixing preparation.
MAXIMUSESMAXIMUS n. a very long bell ringing sequence on twelve bells.
PSEUDAXISpseudaxis n. Alternative form of pseudoaxis.
PSEUDAXIS n. a sympodium, an axis made up of the basal portions of several branches.
SEXTARIUSsextarius n. (Historical) A Roman unit of liquid measure reckoned as the volume of 1⅔ Roman pound of wine and equivalent…
sextarius n. (Historical) A Roman unit of dry measure.
SEXTARIUS n. (Latin) an ancient Roman unit of liquid measure.
SEXUALISEsexualise v. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of sexualize.
SEXUALISE v. to render sexual, also SEXUALIZE.
SEXUALISMsexualism n. The quality of being sexual; a sex-oriented approach or focus.
sexualism n. A social theory first introduced by AlineValette (1850—1899) that promoted socialism with preferential…
sexualism n. The belief that one set of sexual behaviors is intrinsically superior to another set of sexual behaviors…
SEXUALISTsexualist n. (Botany) One who classifies plants by the sexual method of Linnaeus.
SEXUALIST n. one who classifies plants by the sexual method of Linnaeus.
SEXUALITYsexuality n. The quality of being sexual; that which is characterized or distinguished by sex.
sexuality n. Sexual activity; concern with, or interest in, sexual activity.
sexuality n. Sexual potency.
SEXUALIZEsexualize v. (Transitive) To render sexual, or apply sex appeal to an individual or concept.
sexualize v. (Biology, transitive) To distinguish as belonging to separate sexes.
SEXUALIZE v. to render sexual, also SEXUALISE.
UNISEXUALunisexual adj. Of an organism, having characteristics of a single sex (as opposed to hermaphrodites).
unisexual adj. Of a species, having only a single (potentially hermaphroditic) sex (as opposed to bisexual).
unisexual adj. Unisex; suitable for any sex or gender.
VEXATIOUSvexatious adj. Causing vexation or annoyance; teasing; troublesome.
vexatious adj. (Archaic) Full of trouble or disquiet.
vexatious adj. (Law, of an action) Commenced for the purpose of giving trouble, without due cause.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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