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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, Q, R and T

ACQUITTERacquitter n. One who acquits or releases.
ACQUITTER n. one who acquits.
ANTIQUERSantiquers n. Plural of antiquer.
ANTIQUER n. one who antiques, ages furniture.
ANTIQUIERANTIQUEY adj. having the appearance of an antique.
INQUORATEinquorate adj. That lacks the number sufficient to form a quorum.
INQUORATE adj. of the attendance at a meeting, not making up a quorum.
ORTANIQUEortanique n. A cross between an orange and a tangerine.
ORTANIQUE n. (French) a cross between an orange and a tangerine.
PRATIQUESpratiques n. Plural of pratique.
PRATIQUE n. (French) permission granted to a ship to use a port after quarantine or on showing a clean bill of health.
QUAERITURQUAERITUR v. (Latin) the question is asked.
QUANTISERquantiser n. Alternative form of quantizer.
QUANTISER n. one who quantises, expresses in terms of quanta, also QUANTIZER.
QUANTIZERquantizer n. An electronic device that samples a varying quantity (e.g. a waveform) and generates a digital response.
QUANTIZER n. one who quantizes, expresses in terms of quanta, also QUANTISER.
QUARTETTIquartetti n. Plural of quartetto.
QUARTETTO n. (Italian) a quartet, a composition for four voices, also QUARTET, QUARTETT, QUARTETTE.
QUARTIERSquartiers n. Plural of quartier.
QUARTIER n. (French) a specified district in a French town or city.
QUARTILESquartiles n. Plural of quartile.
QUARTILE n. an aspect of the planets when their longitudes differ by 90.
QUARTZIERquartzier adj. Comparative form of quartzy: more quartzy.
QUARTZY adj. like quartz.
QUARTZITEquartzite n. (Mineralogy) A metamorphic rock from sandstone, consisting of interlocking grains of quartz.
QUARTZITE n. a metamorphosed sandstone.
REQUITALSrequitals n. Plural of requital.
REQUITAL n. payment in return.
SQUATTIERsquattier adj. Comparative form of squatty: more squatty.
SQUATTY adj. squat, dumpy.
TAQUERIAStaquerias n. Plural of taqueria.
taquerías n. Plural of taquería.
TAQUERIA n. (Spanish) a Mexican restaurant serving mainly tacos.
TRIQUETRAtriquetra n. A shape formed of three vesicae piscium, sometimes with an additional circle, a symbol of things and…
TRIQUETRA n. (Latin) a symmetrical triangular ornament formed of three interlaced arcs or lobes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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