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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, O, U and V

AVOUTRIESAVOUTRY n. (obsolete) adultery, also ADVOUTRY.
BEHAVIOURbehaviour n. Britain standard spelling of behavior.
BEHAVIOUR n. conduct, also BEHAVIOR.
EQUIVOCALequivocal adj. Having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation.
equivocal adj. Capable of being ascribed to different motives, or of signifying opposite feelings, purposes, or characters;…
equivocal adj. Uncertain, as an indication or sign.
FAVOURITEfavourite adj. Preferred or liked above all others (unless qualified).
favourite adj. Belonging to a category whose members are all preferred or liked over nonmembers.
favourite n. A person or thing who enjoys special regard or favour.
QUOTATIVEquotative n. (Grammar) A grammatical device to mark quoted speech, such as be like in "he was like, ’who are you?’".
quotative n. (Linguistics) A form of the complementizer related to the verb say, found in many languages of West…
quotative adj. (Grammar) Serving to mark quoted speech.
SAVOURIERsavourier adj. Comparative form of savoury: more savoury.
SAVOURY adj. pleasant to the taste or smell, also SAVORY.
SAVOURIESsavouries n. Plural of savoury.
SAVOURY n. a savory dish served before or after a meal.
UNAVOIDEDunavoided adj. Not avoided.
unavoided adj. (Obsolete) Unavoidable.
UNAVOIDED adj. unavoidable.
UVAROVITEuvarovite n. (Mineralogy) A rare chromium-bearing garnet mineral with a vivid emerald-green colour.
UVAROVITE n. (Russian) a green lime-chrome garnet.
VAPOURIERVAPOURY adj. full of vapour; affected with the vapours, also VAPORY.
VERACIOUSveracious adj. True.
veracious adj. Truthful; speaking the truth.
VERACIOUS adj. truthful; exact.
VEXATIOUSvexatious adj. Causing vexation or annoyance; teasing; troublesome.
vexatious adj. (Archaic) Full of trouble or disquiet.
vexatious adj. (Law, of an action) Commenced for the purpose of giving trouble, without due cause.
VINACEOUSvinaceous adj. Containing wine.
vinaceous adj. Of the colour of red wine.
VINACEOUS adj. of the colour of red wine.
VITACEOUSvitaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Vitaceae of vines including grape.
VITACEOUS adj. of a family of flowering plants that includes the grapevine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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