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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, O, Q and U

AEQUORINSaequorins n. Plural of aequorin.
AEQUORIN n. a protein secreted by jellyfish.
DACQUOISEdacquoise n. A dessert cake made with layers of almond and hazelnut meringue and whipped cream or buttercream, typically…
DACQUOISE n. a layered dessert of meringue with nuts, with a buttery chocolate or mocha filling.
EQUATIONSequations n. Plural of equation.
EQUATION n. the act of making equal.
EQUIMOLALequimolal adj. Of the same molality.
EQUIMOLAL adj. having an equal number of moles, also EQUIMOLAR.
EQUIMOLARequimolar adj. (Chemistry) Containing the same number of moles (of two or more compounds).
EQUIMOLAR adj. having an equal number of moles, also EQUIMOLAL.
EQUIVOCALequivocal adj. Having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation.
equivocal adj. Capable of being ascribed to different motives, or of signifying opposite feelings, purposes, or characters;…
equivocal adj. Uncertain, as an indication or sign.
INQUORATEinquorate adj. That lacks the number sufficient to form a quorum.
INQUORATE adj. of the attendance at a meeting, not making up a quorum.
OBSEQUIALobsequial adj. Relating to an obsequy or funeral rite.
OBSEQUIAL adj. (Shakespeare) relating to obsequies, funerals.
ODALIQUESodaliques n. Plural of odalique.
ODALIQUE n. (French) a female slave; a concubine in a harem, also ODALISK, ODALISQUE.
ODALISQUEodalisque n. (Historical) A female slave in a harem, especially one in the Ottoman seraglio.
odalisque n. A desirable or sexually attractive woman.
ODALISQUE n. (French) a female slave; a concubine in a harem, also ODALIQUE, ODALISK.
ORTANIQUEortanique n. A cross between an orange and a tangerine.
ORTANIQUE n. (French) a cross between an orange and a tangerine.
QUOTATIVEquotative n. (Grammar) A grammatical device to mark quoted speech, such as be like in "he was like, ’who are you?’".
quotative n. (Linguistics) A form of the complementizer related to the verb say, found in many languages of West…
quotative adj. (Grammar) Serving to mark quoted speech.
TOTAQUINEtotaquine n. Alternative form of totaquina.
TOTAQUINE n. a mixture of quinine and alkaloids used as an antimalarial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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