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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, E, 3I and R

ACIDIFIERacidifier n. (Chemistry) A simple or compound principle, whose presence is necessary to produce acidity, as oxygen…
ACIDIFIER n. an agent that acidifies.
ARIDITIESaridities n. Plural of aridity.
ARIDITY n. the state of being arid.
BILIARIESBILIARY n. infectious canine jaundice.
INITIALERinitialer n. The artist who decorates the initial letters in an illuminated manuscript.
initialer n. The initial episode of a television show or series of films.
initialer n. One who initials a document.
LIBRAIRIELIBRAIRIE n. (French) a bookshop.
NIAISERIENIAISERIE n. (French) simplicity; foolishness.
PERIDINIAPERIDINIUM n. a dinoflagellate, a kind of marine protozoan, also PERIDINIAN.
PRIMITIAEprimitiae n. Plural of primitia.
PRIMITIAE n. (Latin) the first year's revenue of a benefice, also PRIMITIAS.
RAISINIERRAISINY adj. full of raisins.
VIZIERIALvizierial adj. Of, pertaining to, or issued by, a vizier.
VIZIERIAL adj. of or like a vizier, a minister in various Muslim states, also VIZIRIAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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