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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, E, H, R, T and V

HARVESTEDharvested v. Simple past tense and past participle of harvest.
HARVEST v. to gather in a crop, also HAIRST.
HARVESTERharvester n. (Dated) A person who gathers the harvest (harvests the crop).
harvester n. A machine that gathers the harvest (harvests the crop).
harvester n. (Forestry) A type of heavy forestry vehicle employed in cut-to-length logging for felling, delimbing…
HORTATIVEhortative adj. (Comparable) Urging, exhorting, or encouraging.
hortative adj. (Grammar, not comparable) Of a mood or class of imperative subjunctive moods of a verb for giving strong…
hortative n. (Grammar) A mood or class of imperative subjunctive moods of a verb for giving strong encouragement.
OVERCATCHovercatch v. (Transitive, UK dialectal) To overtake.
overcatch v. To catch too many; to overfish.
OVERCATCH v. to overtake.
OVERHASTEoverhaste n. Excessive, undue haste.
OVERHASTE n. too great haste.
OVERHASTYoverhasty adj. Too hasty.
OVERHASTY adj. too hasty.
OVERHATEDoverhated adj. Given an excessive amount of hate; gets more hate than it actually deserves.
overhated v. Simple past tense and past participle of overhate.
OVERHATE v. to hate to excess.
OVERHATESoverhates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overhate.
OVERHATE v. to hate to excess.
OVERHEATSoverheats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overheat.
OVERHEAT v. to heat to excess.
OVERMATCHovermatch v. To match more than intended.
overmatch v. To be more than equal to or a match for, to surpass; hence, to conquer, vanquish.
overmatch v. To marry to a superior.
OVERTEACHoverteach v. (Transitive, intransitive) To teach too much.
OVERTEACH v. to teach too much.
OVERWATCHoverwatch v. (Transitive) To watch over.
overwatch v. (Transitive) To watch excessively.
overwatch v. (Transitive, obsolete) To overcome with long lack of rest.
SHORTWAVEshortwave adj. (Of radio waves) Having a wavelength of approximately 10 to 100 meters.
shortwave adj. (Of radio equipment) Capable of transmitting or receiving signals at such a wavelength.
shortwave n. An electromagnetic wave having a wavelength between approximately 10 and 100 meters, corresponding to…
TSAREVICHtsarevich n. A son of a tsar, a prince in Russia or Bulgaria.
tsarevich n. The firstborn son of a tsar.
tsarevich n. The tsesarevich (crown prince of the Russia Empire).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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