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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, H, L and 2R

BLATHERERblatherer n. One who blathers.
BLATHERER n. one who blathers, also BLETHERER.
DIARRHEALdiarrheal adj. That causes, or is associated with diarrhea.
EARTHLIERearthlier adj. Comparative form of earthly: more earthly.
EARTHLY adj. of earth.
HARDLINERhardliner n. Alternative spelling of hard-liner.
hard-liner n. A person who takes a firm, uncompromising position on some policy.
HARDLINER n. one who takes a hardline.
HERBARIALherbarial adj. Relating to a herbarium.
HERBARIAL adj. relating to a herbarium, a collection of preserved plants and herbs.
HYPERREALhyperreal adj. Of or pertaining to philosophical hyperreality; perceivable as real by consciousness, though potentially unreal.
hyperreal adj. (Mathematics, of a number) Belonging to an extension of the real numbers containing those that cannot…
hyperreal n. A hyperreal number.
LATHERERSlatherers n. Plural of latherer.
LATHERER n. one who lathers.
LATHERIERLATHERY adj. covered with lather.
LEHRJAHRELEHRJAHRE n. (German) an apprenticeship.
LOGORRHEAlogorrhea n. (Often humorous) Excessive talkativeness.
logorrhea n. (Often humorous) Excessive use of words in writing; prolixity.
logorrhea n. (Psychology) Excessive and often uncontrollable speaking due to a mental disorder.
MARSHALERmarshaler n. (Computing) A mechanism for marshalling data.
marshaler n. A person who directs the movement of an aircraft between the runway and its parking stand at an airport.
MARSHALER n. one who marshals, also MARSHALLER.
PYORRHEALpyorrheal adj. Relating to pyorrhea.
PYORRHEAL adj. relating to pyorrhea, suppuration in the sockets of the teeth, also PYORRHEIC, PYORRHOEAL, PYORRHOEIC.
REHEARSALrehearsal n. The practicing of something which is to be performed before an audience, usually to test or improve…
rehearsal n. A preparatory activity analogous to the rehearsal of a show.
rehearsal n. The act of rehearsing or contriving something; the fact of something’s being rehearsed.
SHIRRALEESHIRRALEE n. (Australian slang) a swagman's bundle, also SHIRALEE.
SPHERULARspherular adj. Being or relating to a spherule.
SPHERULAR adj. like a spherule or small sphere.
TRIHEDRALtrihedral adj. (Geometry) Having three plane faces that meet at a common point.
TRIHEDRAL n. a solid having three sides or faces; thus, a trihedral angle is a solid angle bounded by three plane angles.
TROCHLEARtrochlear adj. (Anatomy) Shaped like, or resembling, a pulley; related to, or connected with, a trochlea.
trochlear adj. (Neuroanatomy) Of or pertaining to the trochlear nerve.
trochlear n. (Anatomy, neuroanatomy) A trochlear muscle or nerve.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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