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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, E, H, L, N and Y

ANCHYLOSEanchylose v. Alternative form of ankylose.
ANCHYLOSE v. of bones, to fuse or stiffen by ankylosis, also ANKYLOSE.
CHALYBEANChalybean adj. (Historical) Of or relating to the Chalybes, an ancient people of Pontus in Asia Minor, celebrated for…
Chalybean n. (Historical) A member of this ancient group of people.
CHALYBEAN adj. in metallurgy, tempered.
CHANDLERYchandlery n. The art or trade of candlemaking.
chandlery n. A business, shop or warehouse used in candlemaking.
chandlery n. An operation (usually, a business) which provides supplies.
ETHANOYLSETHANOYL n. acetyl as a combining group.
HALFPENNYhalfpenny n. (Plural: halfpennies) (historical) A discontinued British coin worth half of one penny (old or new).
halfpenny n. (Plural: halfpence) A quantity of money worth half a penny.
halfpenny adj. Costing or worth one halfpenny.
HEALINGLYhealingly adv. So as to heal or cure.
HEALING adv. curative.
HYALINISEhyalinise v. Alternative form of hyalinize.
HYALINISE v. of tissue, to change to a firm, glassy consistency, also HYALINIZE.
HYALINIZEHYALINIZE v. of tissue, to change to a firm, glassy consistency, also HYALINISE.
HYALOGENShyalogens n. Plural of hyalogen.
HYALOGEN n. a substance found in animal cells.
HYALONEMAHYALONEMA n. a genus of sponges, aka glass-rope sponge.
HYMENAEALhymenaeal adj. Alternative form of hymeneal.
hymenæal adj. Archaic form of hymeneal.
hymenæal n. Archaic form of hymeneal.
HYMENEALShymeneals n. Plural of hymeneal.
hymeneals n. Nuptials.
HYMENEAL n. (archaic) a marriage-hymn.
METHANOYLmethanoyl n. (Organic chemistry) formyl.
METHANOYL n. any of a class of highly reactive organic chemical compounds.
NEPHRALGYnephralgy n. Archaic form of nephralgia.
NEPHRALGY n. pain in the kidneys, also NEPHRALGIA.
PHLYCTENAphlyctena n. A small vesicle.
PHLYCTENA n. (Greek) a small blister or vesicle, also PHLYCTAENA.
SYNALEPHAsynalepha n. The suppression of a vowel at the end of word when it is followed by another word beginning with a vowel.
synalepha n. The melding into a single syllable of two vowels from two different syllables.
SYNALEPHA n. the melting of a final vowel or diphthong into the initial vowel or diphthong of the next word, also SYNALOEPHA.
THYLACINEthylacine n. The carnivorous marsupial Thylacinus cynocephalus which was native to Tasmania, now extinct.
THYLACINE n. the Tasmanian wolf.
UNEARTHLYunearthly adj. Not of the earth; non-terrestrial.
unearthly adj. Preternatural or supernatural.
unearthly adj. Strange, enigmatic, or mysterious.
UNHEALTHYunhealthy adj. Characterized by, or conducive to poor health.
unhealthy adj. Sick or ill.
unhealthy adj. Tending to corrupt.
UNSHAPELYunshapely adj. Not having a distinct shape.
UNSHAPELY adj. not shapely.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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