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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, E, H, 2L and N

ALLETHRINallethrin n. Either of a pair of related synthetic pyrethroids used in insecticides to paralyse the nervous system.
ALLETHRIN n. a light yellow viscous oily insecticide.
ALLOPHANEallophane n. (Mineralogy) An amorphous hydrous aluminium silicate clay mineral.
ALLOPHANE n. a translucent, coloured aluminum silicate.
ALLOPHONEallophone n. (Phonology) Any of two or more alternative pronunciations for a phoneme.
allophone n. (Canada) A person whose mother tongue is neither English, French, nor (sometimes) an indigenous language of Canada.
allophone n. A person whose mother tongue is one other than that spoken by the majority.
BANDSHELLbandshell n. A large, outdoor performing venue typically used by bands and orchestras, with the roof protecting musicians…
BANDSHELL n. a bandstand concave at the back.
CHALLENGEchallenge n. A confrontation; a dare.
challenge n. A difficult task, especially one that the person making the attempt finds more enjoyable because of that difficulty.
challenge n. (Law) A procedure or action.
CHANDELLEchandelle n. An aerobatic maneuver in which a 180° turn is combined with a climb.
chandelle v. To perform an aerobatic maneuver in which a 180° turn is combined with a climb.
CHANDELLE n. (French) an abrupt, climbing turn of an airplane.
DANCEHALLdancehall n. (Countable) A public hall for dancing.
dancehall n. (Uncountable, music) A genre of Jamaican dance music derived from dub and reggae.
dance-hall n. Alternative spelling of dancehall.
ENTHRALLSenthralls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enthrall.
ENTHRALL v. to reduce to the condition of a thrall, also ENTHRAL, INTHRAL, INTHRALL.
FELLAHEENfellaheen n. Plural of fellah.
FELLAH n. (Arabic) a peasant or labourer in Arab countries.
HALOCLINEhalocline n. A strong, vertical salinity gradient; the (sometimes indistinct) border between layers of water that…
HALOCLINE n. a vertical gradient in ocean salinity.
HANDBELLShandbells n. Plural of handbell.
HANDBELL n. a bell held in the hand and played by shaking.
HANSELLEDhanselled v. Simple past tense and past participle of hansel.
HANSEL v. to give a good luck gift to, also HANDSEL.
HEALINGLYhealingly adv. So as to heal or cure.
HEALING adv. curative.
INHALABLEinhalable adj. That can be inhaled.
INHALABLE adj. that can be inhaled.
LAUGHLINElaughline n. Alternative form of laugh line.
laugh␣line n. (Usually in the plural) Either of the two skin folds that run from each side of the nose to the corners of the mouth.
LAUGHLINE n. a funny line in a dialogue.
MELPHALANmelphalan n. A particular drug used in chemotherapy.
MELPHALAN n. an antineoplastic drug.
NONLETHALnonlethal adj. Alternative spelling of non-lethal.
nonlethal n. Alternative spelling of non-lethal.
non-lethal adj. Not capable of causing death.
THALLINESthallines n. Plural of thalline.
THALLINE n. a chemical compound used for medicinal purposes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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