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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, G and 3R

ARRAIGNERarraigner n. (Law) One who arraigns.
ARRAIGNER n. one who arraigns.
ARRANGERSarrangers n. Plural of arranger.
ARRANGER n. one that arranges.
ARREARAGEarrearage n. The condition of being in arrears.
arrearage n. An item that is in arrears, as periodic payments on a debt or for taxes.
ARREARAGE n. that which remains unpaid and overdue, after payment of a part.
FERROGRAMferrogram n. A diagnostic image produced by ferrography.
FERROGRAM n. a slide prepared to illustrate the suspended iron particles in the lubricant of a machine.
GARRETEERgarreteer n. One who lives in a garret.
garreteer n. (Derogatory) A poor author; a literary hack.
GARRETEER n. (archaic) one who lives in a garret esp. a poor author.
GARROTERSgarroters n. Plural of garroter.
GARROTER n. one who executes by strangling, also GAROTTER.
GARROTTERgarrotter n. Someone who garrottes.
GARROTTER n. one who garrottes.
IRREGULARirregular adj. Nonstandard; not conforming to rules or expectations.
irregular adj. (Of a surface) rough.
irregular adj. Without symmetry, regularity, or uniformity.
PROGRAMERprogramer n. (US) Alternative form of programmer.
PROGRAMER n. (US) one who writes programs, also PROGRAMMER.
REARGUARDrearguard n. (Military) The rearmost part of a force, especially a detachment of troops that protect the rear of…
rearguard n. (Soccer) The defence, collectively the defenders.
rear-guard adj. Of, or relating to a rearguard.
REARRANGErearrange v. (Transitive) To change the order or arrangement of (one or more items).
rearrange v. (Slang, humorous) To mangle, disfigure.
REARRANGE v. to arrange in a different way.
RECHARGERrecharger n. That which recharges, especially a device for recharging an electrical item.
RECHARGER n. a device for recharging e.g. a battery.
REGARDERSregarders n. Plural of regarder.
REGARDER n. one who regards.
REGISTRARregistrar n. An official keeper or recorder of records.
registrar n. A doctor receiving advanced specialist training in some countries in order to become a consultant.
registrar n. (Internet) a service that manages domain names.
REGRATERSregraters n. Plural of regrater.
REGRATER n. one who buys and sells in the same market, also REGRATOR.
REGRATORSregrators n. Plural of regrator.
REGRATOR n. one who buys and sells in the same market, also REGRATER.
REPROGRAMreprogram v. (Transitive, computing) To program anew or differently.
reprogram v. (Transitive, by extension) To make a fundamental change to the behaviour or habits of.
reprogram v. (Government) To shift funds appropriated for one government program to a different government program.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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