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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, G and 3N

ANNEALINGannealing n. The heating of solid metal or glass to high temperatures and cooling it slowly so that its particles…
annealing v. Present participle of anneal.
ANNEALING n. the process of making (as steel or glass) less brittle by heating and then cooling.
BANNERINGbannering v. Present participle of banner.
BANNER v. to furnish with a flag.
BENIGNANTbenignant adj. (Now rare) Kind; gracious; favorable.
BENIGNANT adj. kind; gracious, as a king to his subjects.
DEMANNINGdemanning v. Present participle of deman.
DEMANNING n. the deliberate reduction of the number of employees in a particular industry, etc.
ENHANCINGenhancing v. Present participle of enhance.
ENHANCE v. to raise in value or quality.
ENNEAGONSenneagons n. Plural of enneagon.
ENNEAGON n. a polygon with nine angles.
ENPLANINGenplaning v. Present participle of enplane.
ENPLANE v. to put on an aeroplane, also EMPLANE.
ENRANGINGenranging v. Present participle of enrange.
ENRANGE v. to arrange, also ENRAUNGE.
ENRANKINGenranking v. Present participle of enrank.
ENRANK v. (Shakespeare) to place in order.
ENSNARINGensnaring v. Present participle of ensnare.
ensnaring adj. That ensnares or traps.
ENSNARE v. to trap, also INSNARE.
JANNEYINGJANNEYING n. acting as a disguised merrymaker at Christmas.
NEATENINGneatening v. Present participle of neaten.
NEATEN v. to make neat.
NENNIGAISNENNIGAI n. (Native Australian) a large edible marine fish, also NANNYGAI.
PENANCINGpenancing v. Present participle of penance.
PENANCE v. to impose a type of punishment upon.
REMANNINGremanning v. Present participle of reman.
re-manning v. Present participle of re-man.
REMAN v. to supply a fresh group of men.
TENANTINGtenanting v. Present participle of tenant.
TENANT v. to occupy as tenant.
UNMEANINGunmeaning adj. (Dated) Having no meaning or significance.
UNMEANING adj. having no meaning or signification; as, unmeaning words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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