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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, E, 2G, R and U

GARRIGUESgarrigues n. Plural of garrigue.
GARRIGUE n. (French) an uncultivated open scrubland of the Mediterranean region, also GARIGUE.
GROUNDAGEgroundage n. (Nautical) A local tax paid by a ship for the ground or space it occupies while in port.
GROUNDAGE n. a charge on a ship in port.
GROUPAGESgroupages n. Plural of groupage.
GROUPAGE n. collection of objects into groups.
GUARDAGESGUARDAGE n. (Shakespeare) the state of being under a guardian.
GYROVAGUEgyrovague n. (Obsolete) A wandering monk having no fixed monastery, as exemplified in the Rule of St. Benedict.
GYROVAGUE n. a monk who travels from one place to another.
PARAGOGUEPARAGOGUE n. the addition of a sound to the end of a word e.g. heighth for height, also PARAGOGE.
PUGGAREESpuggarees n. Plural of puggaree.
PUGGAREE n. (Hindi) a turban, a light scarf worn round a hat to keep out the sun, also PAGRI, PUGAREE, PUGGERY, PUGGREE, PUGGRY, PUGREE.
REARGUINGrearguing v. Present participle of reargue.
REARGUE v. to argue again.
REGAUGINGregauging v. Present participle of regauge.
REGAUGE v. to adjust the gauges of.
RENAGUINGrenaguing v. Present participle of renague.
RENAGUE v. to refuse, deny, also RENEAGUE, RENEGE, RENEGUE, RENIG.
ROUGHAGESroughages n. Plural of roughage.
ROUGHAGE n. coarse, bulky food.
RUGGELACHRUGGELACH n. (Yiddish) in Jewish cooking, small crescent-shaped pastries filled with fruit, nuts etc., also RUGALACH, RUGELACH.
UNGEARINGungearing v. Present participle of ungear.
UNGEAR v. to unharness.
UPDRAGGEDupdragged v. Simple past tense and past participle of updrag.
UPDRAG v. to drag upward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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