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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, E, F, O and 2T

AFTERMOSTaftermost adj. (Nautical) Nearest the stern of a vessel.
aftermost adj. (Obsolete) Most recent.
aftermost adv. (Obsolete) At the very back.
FALSETTOSfalsettos n. Plural of falsetto.
FALSETTO n. (Italian) an artificially high voice.
FETATIONSfetations n. Plural of fetation.
FETATION n. the development of a fetus, also FOETATION.
FLOATIESTfloatiest adj. Superlative form of floaty: most floaty.
FLOATY adj. tending to float.
FOETATIONfoetation n. Alternative form of fetation.
FOETATION n. the formation of a foetus in the womb, also FETATION.
FOOTPLATEfootplate n. (Rail transport) The metal plate which forms the base platform of a steam locomotive and supports the…
footplate n. The engineer’s cab in any kind of train.
footplate n. (Anatomy) The flat portion at the base of the stapes; pedicel.
FORETASTEforetaste n. A taste beforehand.
foretaste n. A sample taken in anticipation; an experience undergone in advance.
foretaste v. (Transitive) To taste beforehand.
FORMATTEDformatted v. Simple past tense and past participle of format.
formatted adj. That has been given a definite format.
formatted adj. (Computing, of a storage medium) That has been physically arranged to be in a state ready for the storage of data.
FORMATTERformatter n. One who or that which formats.
FORMATTER n. a programme for formatting a disk etc.
FORTUNATEfortunate adj. Auspicious.
fortunate adj. Happening by good luck or favorable chance.
fortunate adj. Favored by fortune.
FROTTAGESfrottages n. Plural of frottage.
FROTTAGE n. (French) masturbation by rubbing against another person.
OUTFASTEDoutfasted v. Simple past tense and past participle of outfast.
OUTFAST v. to surpass in fasting.
OUTFEASTSoutfeasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outfeast.
OUTFEAST v. to surpass in feasting.
SOFTPASTEsoftpaste adj. (Of ceramics) Having a body formulation that combines clay and frit, mainly used in the production of…
soft-paste adj. Alternative form of softpaste.
soft␣paste adj. Alternative form of softpaste.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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