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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, E, F, I, N and P

AFTERPAINafterpain n. (Pathology, often in the plural) pain of uterine contractions experienced after childbirth (especially…
after-pain n. Alternative spelling of afterpain.
AFTERPAIN n. pain that comes after a while.
EPIFAUNAEepifaunae n. Plural of epifauna.
EPIFAUNA n. (Latin) fauna living on a hard sea floor.
EPIFAUNALepifaunal adj. Of or pertaining to epifauna.
EPIFAUNAL adj. of or relating to epifauna, the class of animals that inhabit submerged ground and river and sea beds.
EPIFAUNASepifaunas n. Plural of epifauna.
EPIFAUNA n. (Latin) fauna living on a hard sea floor.
FACEPRINTfaceprint n. The impression left by a face pressed against a surface, such as sand, snow, or a pillow.
faceprint n. A digital representation of characteristics of a face, able to be used for identification of that face.
FACEPRINT n. a digitally recorded representation of a person's face that can be used for security purposes.
LIFESPANSlifespans n. Plural of lifespan.
life␣spans n. Plural of life span.
LIFESPAN n. the time from birth to death.
PANFISHEDPANFISH v. to fish for any small fish that can be fried whole.
PANFISHESpanfishes n. Plural of panfish.
PANFISH n. any small fish that can be fried whole.
PARAFFINEparaffine n. Dated form of paraffin.
paraffine v. Dated form of paraffin.
PARAFFINE n. any saturated hydrocarbon of the methane series, also PARAFFIN.
PINAFOREDpinafored adj. Wearing a pinafore.
PINAFORED adj. wearing a pinafore.
PINAFORESpinafores n. Plural of pinafore.
PINAFORE n. a loose protective garment worn over a dress.
PORIFERANporiferan n. (Zoology) Any sponge of the phylum Porifera.
PORIFERAN adj. relating to the Porifera, sponges, also PORIFERAL.
PORIFERAN n. a member of the sponge family.
PREFACINGprefacing v. Present participle of preface.
PREFACE v. to introduce.
PREFADINGprefading v. Present participle of prefade.
PREFADE v. to fade beforehand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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