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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, E, F, H, S and U

CHAUFFERSchauffers n. Plural of chauffer.
CHAUFFER n. a metal box for holding fire, also CHAUFER.
FARMHOUSEfarmhouse n. A house (usually the main house) on a farm; thus…
farm␣house n. Alternative form of farmhouse.
FARMHOUSE n. the farmer's house attached to a farm.
FLASHCUBEflashcube n. (Photography) A rotating cube containing a flashbulb in each of four sides.
FLASHCUBE n. a plastic cube containing four flashbulbs, rotated as the film is wound on.
FLASHTUBEflashtube n. Synonym of flashlamp.
FLASHTUBE n. a gas discharge tube that produces very brief intense flashes of light and is used esp. in photography.
FLAUNCHESflaunches n. Plural of flaunch.
FLAUNCH v. to widen into a flared shape, also FLANCH.
FLUSHABLEflushable adj. (Of a toilet) That has a flushing mechanism.
flushable adj. (Of a product) Designed to be disposed of by flushing down the toilet.
flushable n. A wipe or similar product designed to be disposed of by flushing down the toilet.
FUCKHEADSfuckheads n. Plural of fuckhead.
FUCKHEAD n. (offensive) a contemptibly stupid person.
FUGHETTASfughettas n. Plural of fughetta.
FUGHETTA n. (Italian) a short fugue.
HEADFUCKSheadfucks n. Plural of headfuck.
HEADFUCK n. (vulgar) a wildly exciting experience.
SCATHEFULscatheful adj. (Archaic) Causing harm or mischief; destructive, injurious.
SCATHEFUL adj. harmful.
VOUCHSAFEvouchsafe v. To graciously give, to condescendingly grant a right, benefit, outcome, etc.; to deign to acknowledge.
vouchsafe v. To receive or accept in condescension.
vouchsafe v. To disclose or divulge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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