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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, E, F, H, N and S

ANGELFISHangelfish n. A freshwater fish, tropical cichlids of the genus Pterophyllum.
angelfish n. A marine fish of the family Pomacanthidae, common on shallow tropical reefs.
angel␣fish n. Alternative form of angelfish.
FASHIONEDfashioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of fashion.
fashioned adj. (In combination) Having a specified fashion or style.
fashioned adj. In style; fashionable.
FASHIONERfashioner n. One who fashions something; the maker or designer.
FASHIONER n. one who fashions.
FERNSHAWSfernshaws n. Plural of fernshaw.
FERNSHAW n. a thicket of ferns.
FISHERMANfisherman n. A fisher, a person engaged in fishing…
fisherman n. A vessel (boat or ship) used for fishing.
FISHERMAN n. one who catches fish.
FLAUNCHESflaunches n. Plural of flaunch.
FLAUNCH v. to widen into a flared shape, also FLANCH.
FOREHANDSforehands n. Plural of forehand.
Forehands prop.n. Plural of Forehand.
FOREHAND v. to play a shot forehand.
FORESHANKforeshank n. The upper part of the foreleg of cattle.
foreshank n. A cut of meat from this part.
FORESHANK n. the upper part of the foreleg of cattle.
FRANCHISEfranchise n. The right to vote at a public election or referendum; see: suffrage, suffragette.
franchise n. A right or privilege officially granted to a person, a group of people, or a company by a government.
franchise n. An acknowledgment of a corporation’s existence and ownership.
HALFTONEShalftones n. Plural of halftone.
half-tones n. Plural of half-tone.
half-tones v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of half-tone.
HANDFEEDShandfeeds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of handfeed.
HANDFEED v. to feed with the hand.
HANGFIREShangfires n. Plural of hangfire.
hang␣fires n. Plural of hang fire.
HANGFIRE n. a delay in explosion.
MINESHAFTmineshaft n. A vertical hole through the strata to reach the mineral which is being mined.
mine␣shaft n. Alternative form of mineshaft.
MINESHAFT n. a vertical entrance into a mine.
NEWSFLASHnewsflash n. (Broadcasting) A brief media report of something that has recently taken place.
newsflash interj. (Colloquial) Introduces an obvious fact of which the person addressed is ostensibly not aware.
news␣flash n. Alternative spelling of newsflash.
PANFISHEDPANFISH v. to fish for any small fish that can be fried whole.
PANFISHESpanfishes n. Plural of panfish.
PANFISH n. any small fish that can be fried whole.
REFASHIONrefashion v. To fashion again or anew.
REFASHION v. to fashion again.
SHERIFIANSherifian adj. (Islam) Relating to a descendant of Muhammad through his daughter Fatima.
Sherifian adj. Relating to noble or important political Islamic people, especially to rulers of Morocco.
SHERIFIAN adj. relating to a sherif, a descendant of Mohammed through his daugher Fatima, also SHARIFIAN.
SHINLEAFSshinleafs n. Plural of shinleaf.
SHINLEAF n. a perennial herb.
SNAKEFISHsnakefish n. Any of the several fish that resemble a snake.
snakefish n. Trachinocephalus myops.
SNAKEFISH n. a fish resembling a snake.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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