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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, E, F, H, L and R

BREATHFULbreathful adj. That breathes.
breathful adj. Focused on control of one’s breathing.
breathful adj. Full of breath; breathy.
CHARGEFULchargeful adj. (Obsolete) costly; expensive.
CHARGEFUL adj. (archaic) costly; expensive.
EARTHFALLearthfall n. A landslide.
EARTHFALL n. a landslide.
EARTHFLAXearthflax n. (Obsolete) asbestos.
EARTHFLAX n. asbestos.
EARTHWOLFearthwolf n. An aardwolf (Proteles cristatus).
EARTHWOLF n. a hyena-like African mammal, aka aardwolf.
FAHLERZESFAHLERZ n. (German) an ore of copper, also FAHLORE.
FELDSCHARFELDSCHAR n. (Russian) in Russia and Eastern Europe, a partly trained doctor, or one who assists a doctor on the battlefield, also FELDSCHER, FELDSHER.
FIREHALLSfirehalls n. Plural of firehall.
fire␣halls n. Plural of fire hall.
FIREHALL n. a fire station.
FLASHOVERflashover n. The near simultaneous ignition of all combustible material in an enclosed area.
flashover n. An unintended electric discharge or arc over or around an insulator.
flash␣over n. Alternative form of flashover.
FLATSHAREflatshare n. An arrangement in which two or more people share a flat (apartment building).
FLATSHARE n. an arrangement whereby a flat is shared.
FLAUGHTERflaughter n. A flat spade used in peat cutting.
FLAUGHTER v. (Scots) to cut turfs.
FLOORHEADfloorhead n. (Nautical) Any of the upper extremities of the floor of a vessel.
FLOORHEAD n. the upper end of a ship's floor timber.
FORHAILEDFORHAILE v. (Spenser) to distract.
FORHAILESFORHAILE v. (Spenser) to distract.
HEARTFELTheartfelt adj. Believed or felt deeply and sincerely.
heart-felt adj. Alternative spelling of heartfelt.
HEARTFELT adj. deeply felt.
LOAFERISHloaferish adj. Like a loafer; idle.
LOAFERISH adj. like a loafer, an idle person.
PARFLECHEparfleche n. (US) A form of stiff leather made from rawhide.
parfleche n. (US) A shield, bag or other item made from this material.
PARFLECHE n. (French) rawhide soaked in lye and water, then dried on a stretcher for shields, also PARFLESH.
THREATFULthreatful adj. Threatening.
THREATFUL adj. full of threats; having a menacing appearance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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