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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, F, G, T and U

FANTIGUESfantigues n. Plural of fantigue.
FANTIGUE n. anxiety, also FANTEEG.
FEATURINGfeaturing v. Present participle of feature.
featuring n. (Rap music) A cameo on another performer’s track.
FEATURE v. to present prominently.
FIGURANTEfigurante n. A female figurant, especially a ballet dancer.
FIGURANTE n. (Italian) a ballet-dancer, one of those who form a background for the solo dancer, also FIGURANT.
FLAUGHTEDFLAUGHT v. (Scots) to cut, pare.
FLAUGHTERflaughter n. A flat spade used in peat cutting.
FLAUGHTER v. (Scots) to cut turfs.
FLUXGATESfluxgates n. Plural of fluxgate.
FLUXGATE n. a device for measuring a magnetic field.
FRAUGHTEDfraughted v. Simple past tense and past participle of fraught.
FRAUGHT v. to load with tension.
FRAUGHTERfraughter adj. Comparative form of fraught: more fraught.
FRAUGHT adj. laden with tension.
FRAUTAGESFRAUTAGE n. (Shakespeare) loading, cargo, also FRAUGHTAGE.
FRUITAGESfruitages n. Plural of fruitage.
FRUITAGE n. the process of bearing fruit.
FUGHETTASfughettas n. Plural of fughetta.
FUGHETTA n. (Italian) a short fugue.
FULGURATEfulgurate v. To flash or emit flashes like lightning.
fulgurate v. (Medicine) To cauterize with electricity; to carry out electrofulguration or to electrocauterize.
FULGURATE v. to flash like lightning.
FUMIGATEDfumigated v. Simple past tense and past participle of fumigate.
FUMIGATE v. to subject to fumes to kill pests.
FUMIGATESfumigates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fumigate.
FUMIGATE v. to subject to fumes to kill pests.
FUSTIGATEfustigate v. (Transitive) To hit someone with a club.
fustigate v. (Figuratively) To harshly criticize someone.
FUSTIGATE v. (obsolete) to beat with a club.
STAGEFULSstagefuls n. Plural of stageful.
STAGEFUL n. as much as a stage can hold.
TENIAFUGEteniafuge n. Alternative spelling of taenifuge.
TENIAFUGE n. a substance, esp. a drug, that kills a tapeworm, also TENIACIDE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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